Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 13

Arizona woke up to the best feeling in the world, holding onto another woman. She missed this. She loved early morning cuddles and talks, being together and then getting to be intimate before the day really began.

Callie was laying with her back to Arizona while the blonde held onto her, kissing Callie's neck and running her hand along her stomach. Scratching her nails just barely in the surface to elicit goose bumps on her skin. She loved when she could give another woman goose bumps. It ensured she was doing something very right.

"Good morning," Callie croaked out and Arizona smiled at how undeniably sexy she sounded. Arizona leaned in a little more and kissed Callie's ear while giving it some little bites on her earlobe and pulling it, playing with her new lover.

"Good morning to you," Arizona whispered into her ear and ran her hand up and down the side of the woman next to her loving her body. She had loved on this woman all night, barely catching a few winks a couple of hours ago, but having her like this just encouraged her to keep touching her as much as she could.

What she had discovered last night was that Callie was beautiful all the time, but having her naked in her bed just fueled any sort of want she had for her. She was soft and feminine, she giggled and played, she was giving and caring, she was everything Arizona ever dreamed of in a woman.

Finally Callie turned so she could face Arizona and saw that the blonde was bright and chipper with a smile plastered to her face. She was downright adorable the way she was looking at Callie. She couldn't help herself, she leaned in and took her by surprise by kissing her with as much passion as she had the first time they kissed. It caught the blonde off guard and she melted quickly into Callie's touch.

"That was unexpected," Arizona said a little out of breath when Callie finally pulled away. "But it was good," she told her and leaned back in for more. Callie rolled over onto her back and pulled Arizona along with her so the blonde was lying on top of her. Now she could kiss her and caress the blonde’s body with both hands. This was so much better.

"You have a cute ass," Callie told her while she squeezed it and laughed. Then gave her a little smack on her butt.

"Hmmm, I'm going to take that as a compliment and leave it there."

"You absolutely should. Not everyone can pull off an ass like this," Callie said peaking over Arizona's shoulder and looking down her body at the blonde’s ass. "Yep. Adorable, just like you," she said and gave Arizona a quick kiss.

"Hey! You said cute and adorable! About my ass! That's what you say about puppies as kittens. I want to hear sexy and rock hard!"

"Mmmm, let me see," she said and leaned over her shoulder again. "Wiggle it a little," Callie told her and Arizona started laughing uncontrollably while Callie kissed her neck and laughed with her.

This was what she loved. These early mornings with another woman. She had missed being intimate like this with another woman. While the sex was amazing, this was what she really loved, being so comfortable with someone that she could lay in bed with her, laughing and joking with each other. Sex was just that, you could have sex with anyone, but you couldn't be like this with just anyone. This was something special. This really meant something.

"Nope! Cute and adorable, gonna have to stick with that assessment," Callie said and Arizona grabbed the covers and pulled them up over them. "Ahhhh, why'd you do that? I was enjoying my little show," she told her and kissed on her neck, leaving very big open mouthed kisses up and down the length of her neck. She was very quickly pulling Arizona in for what could be considered a marathon night.

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