Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 4

Callie had been sitting in her cell for the past thirty minutes trying to come up with her strategy for her defense. She had been speeding there was no doubt about that, but what she was going to concentrate on were the other charges. She was going to try to get them thrown out, and then she would just have to pay the fine for speeding and she could get out of the hellhole and back on the road headed to LA.

She heard Spence approach the cell and stood up to get ready to leave for the hearing.

"You ready Ms. Torres?" He asked and unlocked the cell and took the handcuffs off his belt loop. She stopped and just stared at him. Was he serious? He looked at her and they stared at each other waiting to see which was going to give. Apparently it was her since she held out her arms and he easily slid the cuffs over her wrists.

Callie gave him the nastiest look she could conjure up then followed him out of the cell and out the front door. As soon as she walked out the door she felt the heat hit her and she wondered how people managed here. It was god awful hot, she had been out in the heat for all of thirty seconds and she could feel the sweat rolling down her back and down her ass. Black was not her friend today and she really wished that she had put on something a little lighter when she had dressed early that morning.

He walked with her down the street and towards the courthouse, he turned, opened the door for her and she walked in and immediately felt the cool air hit her. Thank god. She was pretty sure she was going to pass out if she had to stay out there any longer.

Vick walked her in and up to the front and sat her in the seat for the defendant. She looked to her right and saw a short African-American woman sitting at the other table, she must be the prosecuting attorney.

Callie sat back in her seat and surveyed the room. It was small, much smaller than any courtroom she had ever been in with her mother. This room could probably hold a maximum of fifty people happily before it felt full. She glanced at the court stenographer and noticed she looked to be just a day shy of one hundred.

"All rise," she heard Spence call out and she stood along with the few other people in the courtroom. She glanced behind her and saw the blonde woman from this morning as well as the Sheriff, her brother, was sitting next to her and the public defender, Teddy, was sitting next to him. There were a few other people in the courtroom but she didn't recognize any of them.

"You may be seated," the man in a black robe said. Callie surveyed him, he looked to be about seventy and in good shape for his age. "We are here today to hear the case against one Calliope Torres, Miranda you may precede," the judge said and sat back in his chair while the short woman next to her stood up.

"The state brings case against Calliope Torres today for speeding, reckless endangerment, destruction of private property, assault on an officer of the law, attempting to escape and all of this was done in a school zone," the short woman said looked over at Callie and waited for her response.

"And Ms. Torres, how do you plead?" Vick asked looking at her.

"Doctor," She said standing up.

"Excuse me.," Vick said and looked up from his notes to see the woman standing in front of him.

"It's Doctor Torres," She said and he nodded his head at her.

"And how do you plead Dr. Torres?" He asked her.

"Not guilty, your honor," She said and could hear some whispering coming from the back. She desperately wanted to glance back at them and give them the stink eye, but she refrained.

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