Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 5

Callie walked with Tim and Teddy to his cruiser and slid into the back seat, for the second time that day, the sheer irony of that was not lost on her seeing as how she had never even been stopped by a cop before. Now she was sitting in the back seat twice in one day, one of those times in cuffs no less.

She had been going over and over in her mind just what she was going to tell her parents. She could have called them and asked for the money, but they hadn't been talking to her a lot since her breakup with Erica. They had liked Erica, a lot, and what wasn't to like! She was arm candy at all the events they wanted Callie to attend, she was a pretty woman with a sense of style and was great at holding a conversation. When they broke up she didn't tell her parents the real reason, she just didn't have it in her to listen to another lecture on how to make a relationship last.

Her parents had been married for thirty-eight years and they were as strong as ever. When she came out and told them she was gay at eighteen they had been a little upset at first. There were some arguments and some yelling but over time they all came to an agreement, don't talk about Callie being gay. That went on for about ten years until Callie finally brought her first girlfriend home to meet the family.

Cassandra was her first real relationship, sure she had dated before that, but this one was different and she felt like she wanted to show her family, and Cassandra, just how much she meant to her. So they had flown to Miami on a long weekend for a visit.

Cassandra was blown away by the money Callie's parents had and that seemed to be the focus of the weekend. She wanted Callie to show off everything she owned and Callie kept reminding her, she didn't own anything, this was her parent's. As soon as they had gotten back to New York Cassandra had been dropping hint after hint for them to fly the private jet to Paris, or dine at the best restaurants. It put Callie in a very awkward spot with her girlfriend and she kept reminding her that she didn't like those things.

It didn't take long before their relationship really started to go south and Callie walked in Starbucks for a coffee one morning and found Cassandra and their good friend Kerry kissing in the corner.

Callie had grabbed her coffee snapped a picture with her phone and left the building without looking back. She hired a moving company and had them box up all Kerry's things and deliver them to her work with the picture of them kissing blown up in an 8x11 on each and every side of each and every box. Don't fuck with Callie Torres.

She dated lightly for a couple of years and then met Erica. They were both doctors at the same hospital and had run into each other a few times over the years and finally they were on a case together and there were sparks.

They dated for awhile and slowly moved in together and soon they were celebrating their second year together when Callie caught Erica with her scrub nurse in an on call room.

There had been words and a whole lot of anger, but Erica had talked her down. Telling her all the right things, that she loved her, that the woman meant nothing and it was just a fling. So Callie stayed and slowly they got back to their regular ways and all was forgotten.

Well it was never forgotten, a Torres doesn't forget something like that, but she forgave Erica and they started fresh. That was until she walked in on her again with the neighbor. She couldn't believe what a fool she had been.

Erica begged and begged but this time Callie was having no part of it. When Erica was at work that day, Callie boxed up all Erica's things and had them waiting for her in the lobby when she got home. The locks had been changed and the doorman was told not to ever let her in the building again.

Callie found herself depressed after that. She was running through the motions but she was sad and lonely and pissed at herself for letting yet another person step all over her. Erica tried everything she could think of to get Callie to listen to her, but nothing worked.

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