Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 28

Callie was sitting in her office being miserable when her mom and sister walked in. She had been looking forward to going home, ordering Chinese food and falling asleep in an MSG induced coma while binge watching Netflix. This was how most of her nights had been spent recently when Addison wasn't dragging her around.

"Calliope, get up, we are going to find your sister a wedding dress today if it kills us," her mother said walking into her office and taking over as usual.

"I don't want to go," Callie said and looked at the women. They had been in town for two days and she had avoided them up until now. The last thing Callie wanted to do was go wedding dress shopping for her sister. The thought of watching her try on dress after dress so she could find just the perfect one to walk down the aisle to her husband just made her even more upset.

"I didn't ask, get out of that chair, run a brush through your hair, touch up your makeup and meet us outside. Now," her mother said and walked out of her office.

Callie extracted herself from the chair and unhappily drug her body to her private bathroom to make herself look more presentable. Callie knew if they were wedding dress shopping it was going to be at the finest stores in town and she was required to look her best.

"Hey Jane, if anyone is looking for me or if there are any emergencies give me a call at Krossman's Boutique, I'll call in if we go anywhere else. Thanks," she said walking out of the building and getting in the car that was waiting on her.

Callie sat in a chair watching her sister try on countless dresses with no luck. They had been in the building for just under two hours and it appeared they were getting no where quickly. She had no idea why she needed to be here and why they didn't just look in New York. No one came to LA to find a wedding dress.

"Here are some new ones we haven't set out in the store yet," the salesclerk said bringing out a dozen more dresses and showing them a few.

"That one's really pretty," Callie said pointing to one that was in the middle of all the dresses.

"You should try it on," Aria said with a smile. She had been watching how miserable her sister was and knew something was up with her. She wanted to ask but didn't want her mother to hear.

"No," Callie said and slumped a little more in her chair.

"Calliope if you don't sit up straight like I taught you I'm going to tie a board in your back like I used to. So either sit up straight or go try on that dress," her mother said and Callie got up from the chair.

She went to the changing room and heard her phone ringing and looked down to see it was Arizona that was calling.

"Hello!!!" She yelled grabbing the phone.

"Hey, it's me," she heard the voice of Addison on the other line.

"Oh....hey," she said deflated and sat down in the chair that was in the spacious room.

"Nice to talk to you too. So what's happening? Anything exciting?" She asked trying to get any info from the woman she could. She knew Arizona should be there soon and by the sound of her friend she hadn't arrived just yet.

"No. Same old crap. I'm at a wedding boutique with Aria and my mother and they are making me try on a wedding dress. I think I'm going to make myself throw up so I can leave, that's how much I want to get out of here, I'm willing to induce vomiting in order to leave."

"God, you are so dramatic, it can't be that bad."

"It is that bad, trust me."

"Okay if I tell you a secret promise to be excited when you find out."

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