Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 22

The girls made it back to Brave and settled in nicely. Things had changed for them over the weekend and there was certainly no more dancing around a lot of the insecurities of the week before. They had given up on two rooms and we're now sharing a bed each night without the hesitation of the week before.

Callie still had all of her things in the other room because they had discovered early on, Callie had a lot of crap! But they both were in love with the domesticity they had fallen into since returning. Callie was still asking for privacy when sharing the bathroom, she wasn't ready to fall into any sort of traps just yet and Arizona was happy to make this happen.

Callie was almost always the first up and happily kissed her sleeping girlfriend quietly on the temple, brushed her hair out of her face and walked down to the kitchen to start their coffee and breakfast. She had quickly fallen in love with the chickens and while Mr. Brady still wanted nothing to do with her, she fed him a little extra each day in hopes that he would warm up to her at some point.

Monday was like every other day in that Callie found herself in the kitchen making the coffee and then went out to the coop to let out the hens and give them a little treat. She got all the chickens situated and lifted the hen box and reached in for the eggs, but there was something odd today.

She peaked in the hen box and saw it. A giant snake was staring at her and it was all black and had fangs!

"ARIZONA!!! HELP! Arizona!!!" She started screaming and the large snake that had been perched on the back of the best box fell out at her feet and landed on them.

It was a wonder she didn't pass out with all the screaming and jumping and just the sheer fact that there was a giant snake at her feet.

Arizona was happily still in bed when she heard the screaming, she jumped up from the bed and ran to the window to see her girlfriend running around the backyard. Arizona threw on a robe, since clothes were not needed to sleep in these days, and ran down the stairs as quickly as she could.

She ran out the back door just as Callie ran in and the two collided into each other. Callie was still screaming like a mad woman something about a boa constrictor.

"Callie! I need you to calm down. Now what is going on?"

"I touched it! I touched a gigantic snake! It was in the nest box and I reached in for the eggs and grabbed it! Then it fell out in me!! It was huge and I'm sure it wanted to eat me!! Go get it!!!" Callie was still yelling and shoving Arizona out the door.

Arizona was not only still trying to wake up but she was also trying to gather all the information the brunette was telling her. She finally figured out that there was a snake in the hen house but how a boa constrictor got to Brave and in her chicken coop was beyond her.

Arizona walked out to the coop and didn't see anything so she flipped open the nest box and there it was. A small black snake was curled around the mornings eggs and trying desperately to eat them, but was having a hard time getting them in his mouth as he wasn't quite big enough for the egg consumption.

Arizona slammed the lid down and went walking back to the house. Callie had shut the back door and was staring out the window at her. Arizona went to open the door but it was locked.

"Callie unlock the door," she said and glared at the brunette standing on the other side.

"Did you get it?" She asked opening the door and slamming it shut again then quickly locking it and looking out the window at the hen house.

"No. I'm going to go put on some clothes and then I'll take care of it," Arizona said and walked up the stairs.

Callie was at a loss of what to do. If she took her eyes off the hen house it might get out and she wouldn't know it, what if it came into the house next! But she really wanted to know more about the plan..... She decided to follow the blonde up the stairs.

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