Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 7

Arizona slammed the door behind her and let out a loud huff when she stepped outside. The nerve of that woman! She was a horrible, mean person and she didn't understand why she had to deal with her. No one else was stuck living with her and having to share office space with her. Really it was Arizona that was the victim in all of this and yet she was the one being punished.

She needed to clear her head, and walked down the steps of her porch and down the street, into the town square. She decided to go visit Teddy for a little bit, she probably wasn't doing anything. Arizona needed someone to bitch to and who better than her best friend? That's what best friends were for.

"Well hey there Arizona," Betty the receptionist said when she walked in. "Teddy's in her office, let me tell her you're here," she said giving her a smile. "Teddy! Arizona is here!" She yelled out and Arizona wondered why she couldn't have done that then she saw Teddy poke her head around the corner.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Teddy asked her.

"I could ask you the same thing. Why is the mayor working on a Saturday? Labor Day weekend no less."

"Oh the boys are out at your parents house for the day helping and I had a bunch of paper work to get done, so I decided to come in. What are you doing here? Where's your house guest?" She said with a huge grin on her face.

"Well she was being a royal bitch, we got into a fight and I stormed out and needed to clear my head so I thought I'd come see you."

"You stormed out of your own house?" Teddy asked her with a giant grin on her face.

"Maybe...." Arizona said quietly not looking at the woman.

"Haha....hahaha...that's awesome. Wait I have to call Tim and tell him," she said picking up the phone.

"Theodora Altman!" Arizona said sternly putting her hand over the phone. "Don't you dare pick up that phone!" She told her giving her a look that said she meant business.

"Come on! That's hysterical! You got into a pissing match with the woman that almost killed you today and to show her you left her in your house. She's probably in your underwear drawer as we speak."

"Wait! You don't think..." Arizona said with a worried look on her face. That hadn't even occurred to her. There were things other than underwear she'd rather no one find in her drawers.

"No I don't think she is raiding your drawers. Come on, seriously. What is going on with you and this woman? You are the nicest person I have ever met and for some reason you are letting this woman get the better of you."

"I honestly have no idea, Teddy. There is just something about her. She just brings out the absolute worst in me. She is rude and, and mean and, and, and she is such a jerk. I have no idea how I am going to live with her and work with her, I mean what am I going to do?"

"What if she is one of those loud breathers? Or she snores real loud at night. Ooo, or slurps when she eats. That drives me crazy," Teddy told her and Arizona just stared at her.

"You know you aren't making this any easier! Seriously what am I supposed to do?"

"Well my friend you are going to have to suck it up, put on your big girl panties and act like an adult. That's all you can do. Maybe you should try to be a little nicer to her," and that earned her a stiff glare. "Hey! I'm serious, she doesn't know anyone in town and has suddenly been thrust into a position she had no intention of ever filling. You can catch a lot more flies with honey than vinegar," she told the blonde but it only made her madder.

"Why would I want to catch flies?! This woman is horrible!"Arizona let out a loud sigh, "But you're right, I'm going to have to deal with her."

"You know Tim invited her to the house tonight for dinner."

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