Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 20

They all left the museum and went back to the hotel. Both women were tired and decided to have a quick rest before their night out.

"I had an amazing time today Arizona," Callie said with her eyes closing while Arizona laughed at her.

"I'm glad you had such a great time today sweetie but why don't you get a little nap in," Arizona told her and saw the woman roll over and that was her cue to cuddle up and hold her. Which she was happy to do.

Arizona was tired, but not as tired as Callie and had a harder time turning her brain off to fall asleep. Instead after she heard the brunette sleeping soundly she got up from the bed and went to run a few errands. She needed to get things done for tonight.

"Hi, James this is Arizona Robbins. I just wanted to make sure everything was in order for tonight," she asked the concierge they had met in the lobby the night before.

"Of course Miss Robbins, your driver will have everything in your car when we pull it around."

"Thanks so much! You are a lifesaver. I'll see you tonight!" She told him and hung up the phone.

She was sitting on the couch going through her plans for tonight when Teddy walked in.

"Are all the boys asleep?" Arizona asked her.

"Of course. I'm tired but not as tired as all of you. Why aren't you having a nap? Where's Callie?"

"She's sleeping and my mind was running too much so I couldn't fall asleep if I wanted to. How are you feeling?"

"Good. It's been a pretty easy pregnancy so far, I couldn't ask for a better one. So you got everything done for tonight?"

"I hope so! I called James the concierge and he helped me with most of it. He has a car that is going to drive us so we don't have to worry about that. Plus this way we can both drink a little bit."

"Sounds amazing. I think she is going to love it. So..." Teddy said looking at her friend.


"What do you mean "what"? What are you going to do? Are you going to ask her to stay?"

"Oh Teddy I have no idea. I mean I'd love for her to stay, but I worry that what she is feeling right now is just excitement of a new relationship. Is she going to feel like this in a year? Five years? You should have seen her at that mall today. She belonged there. Drinking her latte and shopping in all the stores. I can't offer her that. I can offer her a homemade latte and shopping at Mildred's five and dime."

"I think you are putting too much on her and on you. You've only known each other two weeks. There is a really good chance things won't work out, but from what I've seen of the two of you I think you have a chance. Consider it, okay? At least talk to her and tell her your concerns."

"Yeah that's what we should," Arizona said and looked off in the distance for a minute thinking about all the things she still needed to tell Callie. They hadn't even talked about Africa yet.

"I hope you guys have a great time tonight. We are going to order room service and have a night in with some movies."

"Oh! That's sounds great. Hey do you care if I get ready in your room tonight? Callie has this thing about "keeping the mystery" in our relationship. Also I thought I could pick her up at our door. It'll seem more like an actual date."

"Of course. When the boys wake up we are going to take them swimming so that will give you the place to yourself."

"Did you get a chance to look at Callie's contract?"

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