Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 10

Arizona was left in her room in shock when Callie walked out on her. What had happened? They had agreed they weren't going to do this. They were going to both take a step back and be friends. That's all they could ever be.

Well Arizona was just going to have to try harder even if Callie wasn't willing to try. What could Callie even want with her? Was she some sort of a conquest for her? She was going to be gone in less than a month, so they would never be able to be more than just friends, that once slept with each other.

Well even if Callie wasn't going to try and avoid any sort of intimacy, Arizona was. No more kisses, no more in each other's rooms, and certainly no more sex! From now on she was going to be nothing but professional with her. If Callie wasn't willing to do that well Arizona would just have to try harder.

Arizona grabbed her clothes and started to get ready for the day. She had s busy schedule ahead of her and needed to be ready for her day.

Callie went downstairs to find a red headed woman sitting at the desk in the waiting room. The woman turned when she saw Callie enter and looked up with s huge smile.

"Oh! You must be Callie!" The woman said to her.

"Dr. Torres. It's nice to meet you," Callie said thrusting her hand towards the woman that was taken aback at the formal name.

"Oh, oh, yeah sure....Dr. Torres...I'm April and I help Arizona out a few days a week. Let mE know if you need anything or if I can help out."

"Great April, what's my first appointment?" Callie asked grabbing her lab coat an putting it on.

"Your first appointment is at 8:15 and you have appointments all the way up until early evening, Arizona has you booked solid!" she told her looking at the board and noticing the tight schedule the woman had.

"Great, thanks," Callie said and walked back to the kitchen to grab another cup of coffee. The blonde was in there making a fresh pot and drinking a cup while she did it. She certainly liked her coffee.

"You know too much coffee can be seen as a bad thing," Callie told her coming up behind her and startling the blonde.

"I've loved off coffee pretty much my whole life. Life on a farm, we drink coffee all day."

"I thought you grew up in this house, not on a farm," Callie said grabbing a mug and waiting for the coffee to finish brewing while listening to the woman speak.

"I did, but my grandparents owned a huge farm on the outskirts of town. My dad farmed it his whole life, still does, actually. So even though we lived in town, he went to work on the farm each morning. They settled out there years ago and mom just used this for the practice after we left home."

"Wow I had no idea you were a real life, actual farmer!" Callie said with a smile that could blow the world away.

"I'm not a farmer, I'm a doctor, I just grew up farming. It's in the blood, I still help when I can, anytime my dad asks. Tim's property is part of the farm where we were the other night. I love it, out in the fields, the smell of the crops, I can't help myself," she said with a wistful smile looking out in the distance. There was no doubt in Callie's mind where the blondes mind was at that moment.

"Anyway, we have a big day, if you need anything just let me know, otherwise I'll see you this evening I'm sure," Arizona said, grabbed her coffee and walked out of the room.

Oh yeah, Callie watched her walk out of the room. The blonde was wearing a pair of grey skinny jeans with an oversized pink sweater with a cowl neck on it. Damn it she was beautiful and seemed to have Callie's full attention at the moment.

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