Like I'm Gonna Loose You

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Chapter 2

Callie Torres was livid...and that was putting it mildly. She was furious! What kind of backwards-hick town had she driven into? That woman had been standing in the middle of the street with her cat on a leash! A leash! This had to be the twilight zone, because no rational person would be walking a cat.

Callie had gotten off the interstate to get some gas and something to eat. The sign had said "1 mile" but it lied. When she got to the one-mile spot, the gas station was but a shell of what must have stood in the spot fifty years prior, but no longer. She decided to drive just a little farther down the road in hopes of running into something, she was starving and hadn't eaten since the night before.

She pulled out of New York City just two days prior and was on her way to LA, to join her best friend Addison Montgomery and her practice there. She was going to be the next General Physician in the group since Sam had left when things got weird between him and Addie, and she couldn't wait to start fresh in LA. After the ending of her last relationship made her oh so very happy to leave NYC. While she felt like her heart would always belong to NYC, she really needed to leave, because that soul sucking Erica had stolen her heart there and decided to stomp up and down on it.

What she hadn't expected to happen, happened. She walked into a quiet apartment one night six months ago, they were supposed to be celebrating their three year relationship that night with a romantic dinner downtown, but instead what she walked in on was Erica's head buried in between her neighbor's legs.

Erica ran after her, begging her to stop, telling her it was a mistake and it would never happen again, but there was no way Callie was going to fall for that. Again. It had happened about a year before and Erica had said the exact same words to her then. "It's a mistake Callie! I am so sorry! You know I love you!!" But did she? Apparently not. How could she? How could anyone for that matter?

This wasn't the first person to cheat on her. It seemed like most of her previous relationships had all ended like this. Was it them? Or the question she couldn't seem to stop asking over and over as she was driving, was it her? What had she done to set herself up for yet another failed relationship? It was starting to feel redundant.

So when she pulled off the highway and was driving down that country road, she was digging in the floorboard for her phone, which had fallen on the ground. She had just seen a text come through from Erica. While she didn't want to talk to the woman, she was a little bit of a glutton for punishment in wanting to see what the woman had to say for herself.

She had finally fished the phone out of the floorboard, amidst water bottles and fast food wrappers when she looked out the front window and saw the crazy woman standing in the road with her cat. On a leash. She had screamed out and swerved to miss the woman but instead hit a sign and came to a crashing halt. She looked up at the front of her truck and it was smashed in, there was smoke coming from the engine and suddenly she was pulled from her car by a man that had a uniform on.

She couldn't believe what was happening. All they seemed to care about was the stupid sign!

"MY TRUCK!!" She yelled and the crazy woman with the cat then made fun of her for calling it a truck. "Who do you think you are? I will have my lawyers down here in no time and you all will rue the day! Rue the day that you ever touched me! How dare you pull me from my vehicle! That is assault!!" She had to admit...she was a little heated when she started out...she hadn't meant to come off that way. She wanted to be rational but for some reason when they mentioned the sign it just inflamed her.

And then it happened....he put those cuffs on her. Like she was some common criminal. He had no idea, who he was messing with! No idea! She would call her father as soon she was able and he would have her out of here in no time.

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