Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 25

Callie stared into the eyes of Addison and couldn't believe what she was seeing. What in the world were they doing here?

"Stay in your vehicle!" She heard and saw Spence come running up. Addison opened the door and put one foot out and Spence was on her like white on rice. He had specifically told her to stay in the car.

"Ma'am I asked you to stay in your vehicle," he said and had her pushed up against the side of the vehicle and was cuffing her before she knew what had happened.

"Let her go!" They all heard and saw Erica running around the side of the vehicle and grabbing Spence's arm and pulling him away from Addison. Big mistake.

"Erica, let go of Spence!" Callie yelled. She looked up and saw a big truck coming down the road, it pulled around them and in between the alley by Katie and Arizona's houses.

"You let her go!" Erica kept yelling while Spence slapped the hand cuffs on Addison and next thing, he grabbed a zip tie out of his pocket and slapped it around Erica's wrists. Oh boy was all Callie could think. She looked up and saw Derek with a big smile on his face as he was walking towards them.

Addison was yelling about her Miranda rights and Erica was just yelling while Callie stood with Buttercup on her lead and Derek walked up behind her.

"Who is that?" He asked still staring with a giant smile on his face.

"MY SIGN!!!!" They all heard and turned to to see the blonde come running out of the house in a very short bathrobe, they really needed to get her a new one of those, Callie thought, at least for when they were outside of the house.

"Hey there Arizona,"Spence said and leaned his head in Addison's rental car and poked around looking for anything suspicious.

"What happened to my sign?!" Arizona yelled and ran over to the sign and started to bend over when Callie went rushing in and stood behind her.

"Arizona! Stand up! You don't have any clothes on and that bathrobe is very revealing," Callie said and then leaned in a little so only she could hear. "And by the way I love that on you," she said seductively, then she looked up and saw everyone staring at them.

"Who is this?" Arizona asked and pointed to the women that were currently being detained.

"Oh this is my best friend Addison, what are you doing here anyway?"

"It's a long story can we get these handcuffs off me, Gomer?" Addison said in a very upset voice.

"Barney," Derek said with his big cocky grin while staring at the redhead in front of him.

"Excuse me? Your name is Barney?" Addison said and straightened up a little noticing the very handsome man in front of her.

"I think you mean Barney, he was the deputy. Gomer was the mechanic. Derek Shepherd by the way," he said and extended his hand but Addison only raised her hands to show that she couldn't shake because she was currently unable to.

"Nice to meet you, so Barney how do we get these handcuffs off?" Addison asked and looked at the deputy with a sly grin but he was t falling for that.

"Oh once I take you all to the station and book you I should be able to take them off now let's get you in the car," he said and moved to put the women in the car.

"Callie, honey can you talk to him please?" Erica said and smiled prettily at her. "Wait, are you? You are. Arizona Robbins." Erica said looking at Arizona which made her cringe.

"Erica, how are you. Wait!" Arizona said and turned to face Callie,"You mean your Erica is Erica Hahn?"

"She's not my Erica and yes, my ex-girlfriend is Erica Hahn, how do you two know each other?" Callie asked and before anyone could get any answers Spence started moving the protesting women into the patrol car.

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