Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 12

Arizona woke up the next morning a little tired but she knew some coffee would get rid of that feeling. She had pushed their appointments a little later this morning knowing they would most likely be tired from the hard work of the previous day.

She quickly hopped in the shower, got dressed for her day and went downstairs to find the brunette that was always there waiting on her.

But today, she was no where to be seen. She was always already up, had the coffee made and was working on breakfast when Arizona would come down. Arizona frowned and looked around but didn't see her anywhere. She had a minor panic attack at the thought that she could have left. Skipped town over night and was half way to LA now.

She walked quickly back up the stairs and approached the woman's room, her heart was pounding fast. This was not something they had done yet. She hadn't been in Callie's room, except briefly the night they....well that night where things got unexpectedly out of hand.

She lightly knocked on the door and barely opened it, there were no sounds coming from the room, "Callie? Are you okay?" She quietly whispered hoping the woman was still here.

"I can't move," she heard a very heavy voice say and Arizona let out a little laugh and sigh of relief. Well at least she knew she was still here, and Arizona was glad, because that had left a very bad feeling in her stomach, the thought that the woman wasn't here anymore. She didn't like how that had made her feel at all.

"Can I come in?" Arizona asked quietly and looked at the woman who was flat on her stomach and splayed out like a starfish.

"Yes," came the croaky answer.

"Are you okay?" Arizona asked and gently sat on the end of the bed trying not to jar it. "Are you sick?"

"I am so sore, I can't even roll over to look at you. Are you up? How are you walking around?" Callie asked not even moving her head to look.

"Well, yeah, I'm up and moving. I'm guessing you are sore from yesterday? Hang on and I'll get you something," Arizona said and ran downstairs and grabbed a few things then came back up. "Okay, first you need this, but you're going to have to roll over to take them," she said shaking a bottle of pain relievers at her and setting a glass of water on the nightstand. Callie groaned as she tried to roll her body over. Every single muscle in her body hurt.

She had never been this sore in her entire life. Sitting in the seat of the tractor was work, she found out as the day went along, she was sore from keeping her abs tight as she drove and the bouncing of the seat had made her entire back hurt. But also throwing those few bales had really put her over the edge.

She leaned over, grabbed her glasses off the end table and threw them on. Next she took the bottle of pain relievers and poured the entire bottle in her hand. "This should cover it," she said and Arizona laughed as she picked two out and put the rest back in the bottle.

"How are you up and moving around? You did a lot more work than I did yesterday," Callie asked looking at the woman in front of her. She'd a shower, was dressed and she didn't seem in any sort of distress. How?

"I'm used to it. This isn't new for me, though I am a little sore today but I think you are probably feeling it more than me. Okay!" She said clapping her hands together and startling Callie a little,"Next, here is a heating pad, let's put that behind you," she said and leaned over to plug it in and pushed Callie to sit up a little and gently put the heating pad behind her.
She could feel the woman catch her breath as Arizona leaned in behind her to place the heating pad on Callie'sk back.

Callie loved that the blonde was taking care of her and was so close. She wanted to lean in to her a little, give her a little snuggle, but she refrained from it.

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