Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 19

Callie and Arizona made it to the mall with the boys and found themselves wandering in the large stores. This was not something that Arizona enjoyed but she looked over at Callie and she had a huge smile on her face, she was in her element.

"First thing is, I need a latte," Callie said heading for the closest Starbucks.

"I didn't realize you were missing coffee that much," Arizona said quietly watching the woman get overly excited about a cup of coffee.

"Oh I need this coffee," she said and paid for her large latte then took a long swig of it and let her eyes close, and released out a large sigh.

Arizona just watched her, taking it all in and wondering if maybe she could get a little espresso machine for the house.

That was if she stayed.

And Arizona asked her to stay. She was still internally struggling with that. There was still so much they hadn't talked about and she really needed to talk to her about….everything.

"Hey," Callie said quietly watching the blonde that was very far away at the moment.

"Sorry, just thinking," Arizona said with a little smile and bringing herself back.

"It's okay, just wanted to make sure you were good."

"Honestly, I'm fine. Look why don't you go get your new phone and I'll take the boys to get a pretzel," Arizona told the brunette knowing that it could take a little bit of time.

Callie was VERY grateful for this turn of events. If she could get her phone back quickly and retrieve the messages maybe she could call her mom and Erica before she met back up with Arizona and the boys. She would have to hurry since both conversations were going to be lengthy ones.

Twenty minutes later she was standing with her new phone in her hand and getting ready to turn it on to retrieve all her missed messages.

She pressed the button and waited....and here they came. Aria, Addison, mom, dad and Erica. And then the numbers started popped up next to their names.

432 text messages from Erica. Christ it would take her an entire day to go through them.

She needed to call her mom first while she had the time.

"Callie! How are you? Where are you?"

"Hi mom, I'm still in a town close to St Louis, my car is almost done."

"Oh good. I don't know why you didn't just leave it there then have it shipped to you when it was fixed. What have you been doing with your time?"

"The town I've been in needed some help with their doctors office so I've been giving them a hand."

"Tell me what really happened," her mother said in a monotone voice.

"What do you mean?" Callie said trying to feign her innocence but she knew it was futile.


"Okay fine, I was speeding through a small town and wrecked and they are making me pay it off in community service by being their town doctor."

"Why didn't you call me?! I could have worked to get you out of it."

"My phone broke in the accident and I didn't know your number so I had to defend myself."

"Calliope! What were you thinking?" Her mom yelled into the phone. Callie knew this was coming, there was no doubt her parents would be livid when they found out what happened.

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