Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 3

Arizona looked out her window at the giant mess that was in her yard at the moment. Her sign was on the on the ground, in two pieces, and the middle had a large hole in it. She let out a little sigh as she thought about how long it had taken her to get the city council to let her put that sign up.

No one else in town has a sign, was what they told her. And they were right, no one else had signs in their yard promoting their business. But she wanted one. She felt it was her duty to let people know where to go in case of an emergency. The nearest hospital was three hours to the east and she was the only pediatric doctor for over a hundred miles in all directions.

If there was a true emergency there was always the helipad that had been installed about ten years ago. And that gave her a good piece of sound mind knowing it was there, but still, not everyone knew where to find her. So she had asked them to let her put up a sign. On her property. She actually left out that part, she didn't want to seem like she was pushing the boundaries.

She asked them every six months for two years until finally, they said 'yes' and she could hardly believe it. She immediately got to work on the sign with the help of Tim and in no time they had a very professional sign put up in her yard. Designating her house as the home of the pediatric physician in the area.

It had been standing in that spot for just under a week. Six days to be exact, when the crazy woman in her SUV blew into town and knocked over her sign. AND dismembered her goose. She was going to miss that goose.

Arizona walked out the back of the house and started making little noises with her mouth and soon out of the bushes appeared Cindy, Jan, Marcia, Alice and Mrs. Brady and of course she couldn't forget that mean old Mr. Brady. Her beloved chickens were digging up every mealworm and grub they could find in her backyard. Mr. Brady liked to jump out at her and scare her every now and then, but for the most part they had been getting along. She loved waking up to five eggs each morning that her girls gladly gave to her.

"Hey girls!" She cooed at them and they came running to her pecking at her feet as she threw some scratch down for them. They loved their sweet treat in the morning and would gladly follow her all around the yard for a handful of it.

"That rooster back there?" Arizona heard and looked up to see Tim standing in the yard peering around to see if the rooster was going to attack his leg. That stupid rooster had spurred him no less than a dozen times and he hated the thing. Couldn't imagine why Arizona kept the blasted thing around but for some reason she had a soft spot for the bird.

"He's eyeing you Tim, better watch out," she told him with a laugh and threw the rest of the scratch down for the chickens and walked back towards the house. "What brings you by?" She asks, like she didn't know.

"Just thought I'd check on the sign, see how bad it really was. Looks like we'll have to start from scratch," He said scratching his head and looking at the sign that was still lying in the middle of the yard.

"Vick make it in yet?" She asked him walking over to the sign and pulling on it, trying to get it out of the yard.

"No, but he should be here anytime. I can tell you he isn't going to be happy that he had to leave a perfectly good weekend to come here and listen to this case."

"Yeah well I'm not so happy about my sign...or my goose," She tells him and looks at the spot where the goose had been sitting for the past few years.

"Teddy went over to see her, she was going to defend her but the woman says she wants to defend herself."

"I thought she said she was a doctor?"

"She is...but apparently she thinks she can be a lawyer too," He says with a crooked smile. "Here, let me help you," he says and grabs the other side of the sign and they haul it towards her garage and prop it up on it's side. "What do you have for lunch?"

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