Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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I only had a few people that wanted the daily updates. I was glad to hear from so many of you on this. I personally like the longer chapter. I think it gives me a lot more freedom with the characters. When I was updating everyday I was sometimes struggling to tell the story.

Oh! I forgot to address the Arlo question. The guest named Ellen got it! The song "Alice's Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie. Listen to it sometime. But not the whole thing. It's like 18 mins long and no one has time for that!!

Btw....I am in love with this chapter. Seriously. Hope you like it too!!!!!

Chapter 8

Callie woke up early to loud noises coming from downstairs and glanced at the clock in her room. 6:25. Why was it so noisy this early? She had every intention of sleeping until at least 7 or 7:30 that morning especially after yesterday, she really just wanted to hide under the covers for a few days and not show her face. But, it would seem that wasn't going to happen. Someone really had it out for her.

She pulled herself from bed, did a quick stretch, grabbed her glasses and walked down the stairs to see what the commotion was. This was not at all he she liked to be woken up on the mornings.

"Oh good you're up!" A very perky Arizona looked up from the stove to see a sleepy looking woman standing in her kitchen. She looked adorable in her very skimpy sleepwear and glasses.

"It's early," Callie husked out and walked to the coffee pot and poured a cup, added some sugar and cream then sat down at the table. The blonde was just a bit too perky for her this morning. She wondered what she put in her coffee to make herself act like that.

Arizona couldn't help but watch the woman that was in her kitchen. When she turned to grab a cup of coffee, Arizona found herself staring at her ass in her very short sleep shorts. They were so short if she cocked her head just a little to the left she could actually see...

"So what's on the agenda today?" Callie asked pulling Arizona from her brief ogling of the woman. Arizona quickly cleared her throat and straightened up and tried to will away the red flush that had come over her face.

"Oh, well I made some breakfast for us and then your first appointment is at 8, and the last one is at 5:30, so you are going to have a pretty busy day ahead of you," she told her and brought over a couple of plates and sat them in front of the woman. "I'll be here the entire time so if you have any questions just yell out to me and I'll come running," she told her with a smile.

"That's real nice of you," Callie said, rather condescendingly if you were to ask Arizona's opinion, "but I've been a doctor long enough now that I should be able to manage just fine," she said and stood up from the table. "Thanks for the breakfast, but I'm not that hungry, I'm just going to shower and get ready for a huge day," she said and if Arizona wasn't wrong she was pretty sure Callie said it kinda perky and she might have been making fun of her. She could t be certain but it made her squint her eyes a little and wonder. Hmmm.

Arizona watched her walk out of the room and shook her head. Welcome back standoffish Callie, she hadn't missed her a bit. Arizona had actually been glad when Callie seemed to finally let down her guard at Tim and Teddy's yesterday and was acting civil towards her. She was not excited to see the return of the grumpy side of the woman, but maybe she just wasn't a morning person. Because that woman had no idea what was in store for her and she was going to need to play nice at some point if she wanted Arizona's help.

Arizona sat down at the table and dished out some food and dug in, it was going to be a long day and she certainly wanted her energy.

At about 7:30 people were parked on the street in front of the office and a few were waiting on the chairs Arizona had on the porch. She had busied herself making sure the front office was stocked with charts and the exam rooms were fully stocked with supplies. She wanted today to run as smoothly as possible.

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