Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 14

Callie woke up with a mass of blonde hair in her face. It was tickling her nose and she kept brushing it away but somehow it kept coming back. She looked down at the owner of the hair who was holding her around the waist and didn't look like she was going to let go anytime soon. Their legs were intertwined and she could feel the hot breath of the woman coming in easy patterns on her chest.

This was amazing. Erica was certainly never one for cuddling. If she could convince her to have sex it was quick, they usually weren't naked and as soon as it was over Erica was out of bed, in the shower and back in bed dressed with her flannel pajamas on. On her side of the bed. Callie wasn't allowed on her side of the bed. If they had sex, it was always on Callie's side. The sides of the bed were a really big deal with Erica. One that Callie never understood.

She tried on numerous occasions to instill a "let's swap sides every month" but that didn't ever happen. She didn't think that they should be possessive about a side since they shared the bed together. She felt like it was their space and they should share it, welcome each other on either side. Erica didn't feel like this at all.

Another thing Erica didn't like was oral sex. Giving or receiving. Callie always felt like this was a pretty big part of a relationship and never understood why she didn't like it. And the amazingly ironic part of it all was, she had found Erica giving oral sex BOTH times she had cheated. And surprisingly both times Callie couldn't recall the last time they had had oral sex. Yet there she was, apparently it was okay with random strangers just not your girlfriend. It made Callie a little self conscious about it after while. Was it her? Was she bad at it?

But after two nights in bed with the blonde at hand, she wasn't feeling self-conscious anymore. She certainly didn't seem to mind.....anywhere for that matter. On the stairs, in the shower, in bed, she seemed to be more than happy for that to happen anytime and anywhere. The kitchen table last night, after they decided they needed a quick break and a drink, had been most unexpected.

Erica was strictly a bed girl. Callie couldn't remember them ever having sex anywhere else. But Arizona.....she seemed to want to seek out other places. She wanted Callie all the time, everywhere! And Callie was certainly okay with that. It was new to be wanted like this and it made Callie feel really good about herself. She loved being wanted. Was there anything else you sought out more in life than someone to want you all the time? Someone that found you so incredibly sexy they had to take you right then no matter what.

She gave the blonde a little kiss on the head and thought about what they had talked about last night.

Could she give up LA? In a heartbeat. This is what she had always wanted, a real relationship with someone that wanted to be in a relationship with her. She could get a place of her own in...Brave. That thought sort of made her skin crawl. The housing market here was a a little....underdeveloped. As in, barely existent. She could temporarily live in one of the homes here until she could build a home she supposed.

And this is where Callie stopped all thoughts because she knew how insane it sounded! She was thinking of building a home, in a place she lived for a week so she can be with a woman she barely knows. This is about the time her parents would normally jump in and save her, reminding her where her loyalties should lie and with whom she should lie. And she could guarantee they would not choose Arizona.

A gravy eating farmer is not what they had intended for their daughter. If she was going to be gay damn it, the least she could do is be gay with someone that had a sense of style and class. That was what they had told her about Jules, the yoga instructor with the tree of life tattooed on her back, that Jules couldn't wait to show her parents.

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