Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 15

After a quick look on the Internet Arizona learned that you should not take a shower, that would just spread the oils onto the body and make the smell worse. Instead she made a peroxide and baking soda paste and had Callie strip her clothes off.

So there was a naked and exposed Callie, standing in front of her new lover, smelly and raw from the day, allowing Arizona to spread a stinky paste on her body. There was no way to make this situation more humiliating than it already was. Not only had she made a real ass of herself today but now, the cherry on top of it all, was having to endure this torture.

After applying the paste they let it absorb the oils and then brushed it off and did it again. If she got it wet too soon the oils would spread and she would really smell. Not that she didn't already smell. There was no doubt about that.

While the paste was doing its job Arizona went around the house and opened all the windows. The smell was bad, but she didn't want it to get worse. They would have an office of people waiting on them tomorrow and none of those people were going to enjoy the smell of skunk.

Luckily it hadn't spread yet so the smell wasn't really bad. And applying the paste over and over really seemed to be working. As well as anything else they could try.

But that didn't change the fact that Callie was being humiliated. She had wanted to go out in the wilderness today with Arizona and show her she wasn't a city mouse. She could survive out here just like Arizona could! But all she had done was prove that she was in fact, the city mouse and the country life was not for her.

She seemed to always find a way to make a complete idiot out of herself no matter what she did. There was no way Arizona was going to want her after this. She couldn't bait a hook, cast a pole, ride in a boat or take a hike without disgracing herself. She wanted to prove to Arizona that she could live here, make it in this small town, but all she had done was make herself question what her own intentions were. She could only imagine what Arizona was thinking about all this.

"Okay, let's do it one more time and then I think it's safe to take a shower. You up for it?"

"Sure, why not," Callie said quietly, still contemplating all that had happened today. What was she going to say? No thanks, I'd rather smell like this for the next few weeks, but thanks for offering to save me one more time today.

Arizona mixed up the paste and applied it to Callie's skin where the skunk had sprayed her. As much as Callie was hating this, Arizona was not. It gave her a chance to be close to the brunette, really get a feel for her. She had handled it all pretty well, she had to say. Arizona wasn't sure how she would have taken the day if it all had happened to her.

"Okay, let that sit for a few minutes then take a shower and see how you do,"Arizona told her. "I'm going to run downstairs and make us some dinner. I'll be back up to check on you in a bit." Arizona told her sweetly and gave her a little kiss on the cheek and ran down the stairs. She was trying desperately to keep Callie's spirits up, she could tell she was starting to falter.

It was very apparent to Arizona that Callie had spent very little time in the woods. Or country. There was no denying that, but from the looks of today, she really had underplayed that. It was almost like the woman had never been outside of the city. Ever. She had been to Africa so she had to have spent some time "roughing" it. There was no way it could have all been luxury hotels there.

But the more time Arizona spent with the woman the more she wondered how she had spent her childhood. Even Kate was able to manage the outdoors when they would do something. They occasionally had gone camping or hiking and while Kate had grown up in the city, she was able to still make it the entire weekend without getting sprayed by a skunk or have a snake fall on her head.

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