Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 11

Callie did her best to avoid contact with Arizona for the next few days. They would pass in the hall and she would catch a whiff of her perfume or shampoo and immediately get pulled into the charms of the blonde, but she was bound and determined to abide by the wishes of the blonde and not pursue her anymore. She could do this no problem. She would do this.

Callie spent the next three days watching her though. Getting to know the woman and all her little nuances. Like she already knew Arizona loved her coffee but what she also discovered was that on cup three of the morning she would add in a little Dutch cocoa to her coffee and a tiny bit of sugar and cream. Making her a little homemade mocha and after that cup she seemed to be a little extra chipper, even more than she was normally.

She also preferred scrambled eggs to any other type and bacon to sausage with her eggs. She stopped drinking coffee around noon when she started to drink iced tea and boy did she drink it. It seemed like by the gallons though it wasn't nearly that much.

Arizona on the other hand was doing her absolute best to avoid the brunette altogether. The more time they spent together the more time she wanted to spend with her. She was attracted to the beautiful woman there was no doubt about that. And when she was around her she found that she wanted to be touching her, being close to her and generally being as near to her as she could.

It appeared that Callie was starting to settle in nicely here. Arizona noticed a lot more smiles than frowns, and she was really starting to loosen up too. She had caught her a few times in the back yard checking out the chickens, always from a safe distance, and occasionally giving them a little extra scraps. Arizona was trying to keep Mr. Brady far away from the brunette and most days left him locked in the coop. While he was not pleased with that, she felt it made life for Callie a little less stressful.

Even Jax had come out of hiding and she found him curled up in the lap of the brunette one morning while she was drinking her coffee and enjoying the local paper. Jax generally despised everyone but Arizona was impressed by the cat and she also was impressed because she didn't peg Callie as the cat type of woman.

Callie had found some time to call her parents during the week. She assured them she was fine and would be in LA once her car was fixed. She absolutely left out the part of jail and community service. She didn't need that headache right now. Addison on the other hand....

"You're where?!?!? I've been calling you for days!! It's like you fell off the earth!"

"Brave, Missouri."

"Where in the hell is Brave, Missouri?"

"You know I really couldn't say, right off the interstate? I have to wait on my truck to be fixed and then I'll be on my way."

"Did they say how long that would be?"

"Oh you know....normal time. 2-3 weeks or so."

"3 weeks! Are you nuts? And what, you're just going to hang out in Brave and do what? Learn to line dance and go fishing? What?"

"Well turns out they needed a town doctor so I'm lending them a hand while I'm here. You know, like a good will ambassador," Callie said trying to make it sound like she was doing this on her own.

"Okay. Enough. What's really going on? I know you're lying because your doing that thing with your voice where you talk two octaves higher than normal. Spill."

"Fine. I was trying read a text from Erica that had come in while I was looking for a gas station, I was digging on the floorboard for the phone that I dropped and when I looked up I had to swerve to miss a woman standing in the road and did some damage while I was at it. Now I have to perform 300 hours of community service in the next month to pay off my debt to society."

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