Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 26

Callie walked down the street to find Arizona picking up the last of her sign. Alex had just pulled out with Addison's rental and the tire marks in her yard were going to be visible for quite some time.

"Hey," Callie said and Arizona turned and saw the brunette standing and looking at her with a smile on her face. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have met this woman, but there was something deep inside of her that was making her nervous about the arrival of the two women. Something wasn't sitting right with her and she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Hi, how did it go?" Arizona asked and Callie approached the blonde, wondering if everything was okay.

"It was fine, Addison was trying to figure out my mothers number to call in to be her lawyer and really the thought of that just makes me cringe."

"Did you see Erica?"

"No, she was in a cell and I didn't go back to talk to her, I'm done with her and to have her show up like this is really uncalled for so I don't have anything else to say to her."

"How about Addison, how is she?"

"Other than not having a lawyer she's okay, I told her I'd call Teddy and send her over to talk about a defense. I'd imagine Vick is just going to fine them and they can be on their way. How about you? How are you? I see you got this mess cleaned up."

"Yeah, for the most part."

"Okay, well if you don't mind I'm going to call Teddy up and send her down to talk to Addison."

"Oh, sure." Arizona told her and looked at the brunette as she walked away. Things were tense, there was no doubt about that.

Callie called Teddy and she said she would go right down to see the other women. She then went to her room and sat on the bed for a minute. She needed to get Addison and Erica out of the town....and soon.

Arizona was busy downstairs when Callie emerged later.

"Hey, I just got off the phone with Spence, he said Vick is going to come in and sentence them in an hour,"Arizona told her.

"Oh, perfect," Callie thought to herself. It was still early enough in the day she could get them back to the airport and out of this town before nightfall if things worked out the way she wanted them to. Yes, that was what needed to happen.

"Hey," Arizona said lightly and pulled Callie back in. "I lost you for a minute."

"Yeah, sorry, just thinking if I could get Addison and Erica back to the airport tonight if we get them sentenced soon."

"You really don't want them here do you?"

"Not them. Erica. I love Addison and would enjoy spending time with th two of you and for her to her to get to know you. But I need Erica gone now."

"Does she bother you that much?"

"Not bother, but I need for her to acknowledge we are over. We've been broken up for six months and yet she is still hanging on. I need for her to finally understand that we are all done, and by her showing up she is very clearly not ready to do that."

"Have you told her about us?"

"I told her I met someone new, I didn't say who it was but I shouldn't have to. I need for her to see that this is it, there will never be anything to us again."

"Well I have to admit that would make me very happy," Arizona said with a smile and Callie went to her right away.

"I'm sorry for all of this, by the way," Callie said giving her a hug.

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