Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 9

Arizona took off running from the room, slammed the door and ran down the hall completely forgetting about the broken picture lying on the floor. As soon as her foot stepped on the glass she let out an agonizing scream and started to cry because of the emotional moment she had just had.

She hobbled down the stairs leaving a trail of blood behind her and managed to get into one of the exam rooms and up onto a table. She pulled her foot up, looked at it and inspected the severity of the cut. She could see at least two large pieces of glass in there, she was going to have to get them out somehow, but it didn't look or sound like any sort of fun.

She grabbed some tweezers and tried to get to the glass but it was just too difficult. It was her right foot so she was trying to use her left hand to get the glass out and the angle was just too hard to manage to get to the glass and so she finally just lay back on the table and started to cry. How had she let this happen? What an idiot she was. And she wasn't talking about the glass in her foot.

What had happened between her and the brunette? Callie had kissed her, that was for sure, and when she did they both just let everything go. She guessed there was a lot of built up sexual tension between them and that had led to them having sex. She certainly had never done anything like that before, it was totally out of character for her to just let go like she had and sleep with the brunette.

Jesus it was hot though. She had wondered what the woman would be like in bed and she finally had her answer. Amazing. The worst part about it was she had liked the little taste she had been given and now she wanted more. She knew she was just going to crave this woman now that she was off limits again.

God why did she have to let that happen!!! Stupid, stupid sex. But really, it had been a little while for long? She mentally counted, had it really been that long??? Jesus, no wonder she let it happen. And it had been good, sexy even. And hot. God why did it have to be so good? Why couldn't the woman have been a lousy lay? But instead she was very close to one of the best she had ever been with. And that was saying a lot.

"Arizona?" She heard Callie say and she quickly sat up and wiped her eyes. She really wished she hadn't been crying. She could always just say it was from the pain of the glass in her foot but it still made her look vulnerable. The last thing you want is to be caught crying after sex.

"Hey, are you okay?" Callie asked and walked into the room and saw her foot and the blood running out of it. "Oh my gosh! Here, let me take a look," she said and started to touch her foot.

"No thanks, I'll manage on my own," Arizona said and turned her body so that she wasn't facing the brunette and Callie couldn't see her foot. She really didn't want the woman touching her anymore and she definitely didn't need her pity.

"Please Arizona, let me look at it, okay?" Callie asked putting a hand on her shoulder and pulling on her slightly.

"Fine," she said and turned her body so it was facing the woman but kept her head turned away from her. "I can't quite reach it so I'll let you look at it."

"Ouch," Callie said bending down and looking at her foot and the glass that was embedded in it. She had managed to get two large pieces embedded in her foot and she could barely make out a couple of smaller ones on the side. This was going to hurt.

"Can you get it out?" Arizona asked still not looked at the woman.

"Yeah but it's going to be painful, let me get set up and I'll get this outfit you," Callie told her and grabbed a local, some gauze, and a few other items she was going to need. She then washed her hands and snapped on some gloves, sat on a rolling chair and moved over in front of Arizona's foot and examined it a little closer.

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