Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 24

"Okay let's load up Buttercup and take her home," Callie said to Arizona with a huge grin on her face.

Arizona gave her a sideways glance and wondered if she was being serious. They couldn't actually take the cow back with them....where would it sleep? And besides the logistics of where the cow would sleep, it couldn't ride in her truck, it wasn't possible.

"Callie, honey, you do realize that cow isn't coming back to my house, right?"

"Yes it is, Buttercup was my prize and I'm bringing her home."

"Callie, the first big problem is Buttercup can't ride in the truck, there's no where for her to stand."

"There's the ENTIRE back of the truck, Arizona!" Callie said, moderately irritated at this point. Why was she fighting her on this??

"Callie, Buttercup can't stand in the back of the truck, she will fall all over while I drive, she has to be securely locked in place or she'll get hurt," Arizona calmly explained to the woman that was in a huff right now.

"Well then I will sit back there with her and hold her."

"Callie, what if she steps on you, she's not huge yet, but her hooves are going to do some serious damage to your legs if she steps on you. I think we should leave her here, at the farm, until we can figure out what you're going to do with her."

"No," Callie said and crossed her arms.

"No, what?"

"No, my cow is coming home with me tonight."

"Callie, that cow can not come back to my house! It can't!"Arizona yelled a little more irritated now that the other woman wasn't listening to her.

"Then we will find somewhere else to stay," she said and turned on her heel, and with her cow on her lead she walked off, Buttercup in tow.

Arizona watched her walk towards a large crowd of people and wondered what she was up to. She saw her talking to Vick and Spence and they both nodded their heads at her and the four of them, Callie, Vick, Spence and Buttercup walked off together.

"Hey," she heard and turned to see Teddy standing next to her.

"Hey," Arizona said and crossed her arms watching Callie walk off with her cow and the two men and wondered what she was up to.

"How's things going?" Teddy asked with a little smirk.

"Oh, you know....just trying to decide what to do with the cow my girlfriend won." Arizona said flatly with no emotion.

"Haha! Oh god you got a good one, this is going to be so much fun watching the two of you butt heads about everything, it's hard to decide which of the two of you is more stubborn."

"I'm not stubborn! She can't bring a cow back to my house!"

"My house," Teddy said and Arizona flipped her head quickly to her.


"I was listening to the two of you and did it occur to you that it might not have been the cow that was the issue but the fact that you kept calling it "my house" rather than "home" implying it's where you both stay?"

There was a long silence between the two women and finally it dawned on Arizona, she was right.

"God you suck," Arizona hung her head and said as she walked off leaving her pregnant friend standing with a big grin on her face.

She saw Vick loading Buttercup into his horse trailer and Callie jumping into the passenger side.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Arizona called running up to the window and knocking on the glass

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