Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 23

"Okay, so tell me about this again," Callie asked as they sat down to dinner with Arizona's parents. They had asked the young couple to come out for dinner so they could get a few things done before Saturday.

"So it's sort of like...horseshoes. Ever play that?" Arizona asked and Callie nodded her head. "There are two boards with holes in them and they are spread 27 feet apart. There are two teams, one person from each team stands at a board, there are eight bean bags, each team gets four bags. You throw the bags at the board and the first team to reach 21 wins!"

"What are the points?"

"If you hit the board you get 1 point and if you put it through the hole in the board you get 3 points. BUT! You have to hit 21 on the dot, if you go over you drop back to 15 points. And points cancel each other so if you hit the board and I hit the board, there is no score."

"Okay...and how is this a tournament?"

"Well we have quite a few boards here from all the years of us doing this, and some of our friends have boards. we set up 50 stations, and we throw everyone's name in a hat and then draw out teams. Each person pays $50 to play, so $100 a team, $200 a station, we set up 50 stations, that's $10,000 in cash for the wounded veterans fund!"

"Wow! That's unbelievable," Callie exclaimed clearly amazed that they were going to take in so much money.

"Wait there's more! We also have a basket raffle and anyone that wants to donate a basket or an item can. Later we sell tickets by the arm length and you buy as many tickets as you want and place them in the bag in front of the item you want, that goes on all day. We end that just after dinner, we will shuffle up the tickets and draw a number from each and everyone takes home their prizes at the end of the night. As well as the big winner of the tournament that gets to take home the traveling trophy and the grand prize!" She tells Callie who looks really into it now.

"I really can't wait. What's the grand prize this year?"

"Oh.....well my parents are giving Buttercup as the grand prize," she said hesitantly and glanced at the brunette to see her mouth drop open.

"What....but why?" She asked and looked at Arizona then at her parents.

"It's a great prize to give out, a cow like that is worth a lot of money and anyone would be very happy to take her home," Arizona said and could tell her girlfriend looked sad at the thought of losing the calf.

"But I named her Buttercup," Callie said and Arizona could tell the woman was going to be heartbroken. They had only visited the farm a few times since its birth, but Callie always went running to the barn first thing to see her calf.

"I'm sorry Callie," Arizona said and grabbed her hand and held it. Arizona had grown up on a farm and knew things came and went, but Callie didn't grow up like this and saw the calf leaving as a loss.

She sat with her head in her hand thinking about what had happened.

"Mom, did you hear about April? She's going to go back to school to finish up her nursing degree," Arizona said with a big smile.

"Can I use your phone to call my dad?" Callie asked and they all looked at her and Barbara nodded her head.

"Is she going to be okay?" Barbara asked and Arizona shrugged her shoulders, she wasn't sure. "So tell me more about April." She said and Arizona told her all about the scholarship and what Callie had planned for her.

"And then when she is done, she will come back to the clinic and help out," Arizona told her parents and they both told her how excited they were for April and for her clinic.

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