Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 18

Both women had a very busy work day but Arizona stopped all scheduled appointments at 3 for both of them. She wanted to make sure they had time to finish packing and meet up with Tim and Teddy.

Callie was in her room packing a bag when Arizona came in to check on her. There was a large suitcase on the bed and Callie was filling it with all sorts of clothes.

"You know we'll be back on Sunday, right?" Arizona asked plopping down on the bed next to the large case.

"Of course," Callie said and continued folding the clothes and placing them in the bag. She must have enough for two weeks in the bag Arizona noticed as she looked in. Then she noticed the pretty things at the bottom

"Hey what are these? I haven't seen them before," Arizona asked digging in the bottom of the bag for the purple underwear set at the bottom.

"No peaking!" Callie said and smacked Arizona's hand who feigned hurt and pulled back.

"But I haven't seen them before!" Arizona said and looked back in at the very lacy and very revealing set at the bottom that happened to be the perfect color lilac that Arizona thought would look amazing against Callie's skin.

"Wouldn't you rather I modeled them for you this weekend? If so, do you really want to pull them out now and look at them? All limp and lifeless and not wrapped around my body," Callie said edging closer to the woman until she was right between Arizona's legs and leaned down, cupped her cheeks and kissed her. "Your choice," she whispered and kissed her again this time opening her mouth a little and letting the blonde get a good taste of her. When she pulled back Arizona had her dumbfounded face on and just nodded her head.

"I vote for model," she whispered and Callie pulled away and packed the last few items.

"Good choice. So the hotel is all set we just need to show up tonight. There is a pool so make sure everyone has their suits with them," Callie said and grabbed a few more toiletries and started to close the bag.

"Where are we staying?"

"Hotel Lucia," she said hoping there wouldn't be too many questions. They still hadn't had the conversation of money yet.

"Really! What kind of discount did you get us, because that place is way out of our league!" Arizona said and perked up when she heard the name of the hotel they would be staying at. She had heard of it, but had never stayed there because it was certainly a luxury hotel.

"Oh you know, my dad travels a lot and can get good deals," she said but Arizona only squinted her eyes at the woman that was trying not to make eye contact with the blonde.

"Uh, mentioned he is a business man, what sort of business is he in?" Arizona asked, knowing something was up.

"He's in real estate," she said with a little falsetto on the last two words and began looking under the bed for the shoe she couldn't find. She really needed to change the subject, and soon!

"Real estate. So what he is an agent?"

"Not really," she said from under the bed. Where in the hell was that shoe? "What all is planned for this weekend?" She said grabbing the shoe that made its way to the back of the bed. She vaguely remembered it getting thrown there in the heat of passion the other night.

"We are going to a baseball game, but we don't have tickets yet, city museum, a little shopping and I have a surprise for us on Saturday night," she said with a big smile as Callie crawled out from under the bed.

"Surprise? What sort of surprise!" She asked with a huge smile. She loved surprises, good surprises, sexy surprises any sort of surprise really.

"Well I can't tell you," Arizona said leaning over to kiss the lips of woman that was still on the floor. Callie accepted her kiss and started to pull her in for more as she felt Arizona start to slide off the bed to meet her on the floor with a loud thump. "Ow," she said rubbing her knee that had hit the Hardwood floor when she fell.

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