Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 6

Callie felt a searing pain in her leg and looked down to find a chicken attacking her. And it hurt! She started screaming, dropped her bags and began running in circles, but the chicken was relentless. Mr. Brady was not letting up, he was full out attacking this woman that had invaded his yard.

Arizona was watching from the window and dropped the blind and began laughing. She laughed and laughed at the woman that was screaming and running in circles in the yard trying to get away from the angry bird. But she was having no luck. Arizona tried to wipe the smirk off her face, then went out the front door. She took her time walking outside and watched as the woman was still screaming.

"Get it off me!!! Get it away!!" She screamed while running in circles and kicking at the bird who just kept chasing her.

Arizona walked over, casually, to the chicken coop and grabbed a cup of scratch and started calling all the birds in and shaking the pellets on the ground.

"Come on girls! Come on Mr. Brady! Come on girls!" She called and slowly but surely the chickens started to emerge and Mr. Brady left the screaming woman and came running to grab a bite of the sweet snack.

"What in the hell was that?" Callie yelled at Arizona while the chickens were eating and she closed the coop so they wouldn't be running around.

"That was Mr. Brady, he doesn't like people," Arizona told her and walked to the front of the house and looked at all the luggage that was scattered on her lawn. "Is this all yours?" She asked and Callie flew into defensive mode.

"Yes it is ALL mine, why does everyone have a problem with my luggage? I'm moving to the other side of the country, the truck won't be in California with my stuff for another two weeks, so I brought most of my clothes and the personal belongings I'd need for that length of time." She said with her hands on her hips.

"Fine. Whatever. Your room is on the top floor. Good luck," Arizona said and walked to the house and opened the door, not making any effort to help with the luggage. She was not a bell boy.

"Ugh," Callie let out a nasty grunt and grabbed a few of the bags and started lugging them up the walk and into the house. It took her four trips to get them all in the house but finally, they were sitting in what appeared to be the waiting room for the doctors office. "Is this it?" And it came out a little snottier than she had meant for it to.

"Yes, this is IT! Let me give you a quick tour." Arizona huffed out and looked at the woman wondering how she had gotten stuck in this predicament. "This is the waiting room, I have a woman that comes in Monday through Thursday to help out, she does all paper work and medical billing for me. She will make new charts for new customers but if she isn't here then you will need to do that," she said walking behind the desk and opening a door to a small closet. "This is the chart room. All charts are on the wall, all patients are assigned a chart and it is alphabetized by their last name, when you are done with the chart it needs to go either in the bin labeled "medical billing" or if there is no billing that needs done, because they paid in full, then it needs to go back up on the wall. Do not set it down, file it!" She said and closed the door and walked towards the back. "There are two exam rooms back here, you should find sufficient supplies on the shelves, if there isn't, please restock what you need. If you use the last of something left me know so I can order more. Any questions?"Arizona stopped talking and looked at the woman, knowing she would have a question.

"Yeah how many nurses do you have rotating in?" Callie asked looking around the meager office. She was used to state of the art facilities and pristine offices, not this.

"I don't have any nurses. Occasionally I'll hire one part time for back to school shots and flu vaccines but for the most part, I'm it. I see on average 15-20 patients a day. Usually 5 days a week but once a month I stay open on Saturday and that fills up right away. I have a board out front that I write my schedule on, it tells me who I have scheduled for the week. The planner on the desk has the entire year on it."

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