Like Im Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 17

April walked into the office Friday morning, like always, and preceded to the kitchen to put her lunch in the fridge, like always, and fill her cup with water, like always. She found her throat got dry talking to the clients all day so she always kept a glass of water on hand.

She stepped into the kitchen and found a sight she had never seen in this house before. There were clothes all over the room, hanging off cabinets and on the floor. And as she inspected a little was two sets of female clothing. Bras and panties and were those...stockings??

She quickly filled her cup and then went to her desk and sat down. She was a little early today. Earlier than normal because she had wanted to talk to Arizona about a few things.

Arizona was sleeping soundly upstairs when she felt the warm body next to hers shift.

"I think I heard something," Callie said and started to get up.

"Nooooo," Arizona moaned out and grabbed on harder around the waist of the brunette keeping her anchored and to really add to it, she wrapped her leg over the other woman's leg and locked them together.

Callie let out a little laugh and leaned in for a kiss. "You're beautiful sweetheart but it's....after seven, we need to get up. Wasn't April coming in early to talk to you?"

"Oh, crap," Arizona said and let go of the brunette who immediately hopped up from the bed at her release. But a naked Callie wasn't something Arizona could turn away from. She immediately snaked her arms around the brunette and started to caress her stomach while she held her from behind, letting her hands travel all around the woman's chest and pressed her body up against her.

"Come back to bed....please. I'm not ready to give you up just yet," Arizona whispered in Callie's ear and felt the goose bumps erupt all over the brunette while Arizona kissed on her ear and gently tried to pull her back. Slowly she kisses the shell of her ear, then ran her tongue along it running it down to that spot she had recently found right behind her ear that made her audibly moan every time Arizona licked it, then gave it a little kiss. Yes, she loved this spot, it made Callie jello every time.

Callie slept hard each night, once they finally got to sleep, but in the mornings she was first out of the bed and ready for the day, often before Arizona had even woke up. Arizona had never been like this before, she was raised on a farm and the were up early each day but since she had met Callie.....she had changed. She couldn't get enough of Callie and they spent so many hours up all night that in the morning all she really wanted to do was stay in bed with her lover. They hadn't had the chance to do that enough, but she was hoping this weekend away they would be able to.

Callie allowed herself to be pulled back to the bed, sitting on the edge while the blonde say behind her legs wrapped around her torso.

"Arizona..." Callie called out while the blonde just continued to kiss on her neck and tried to pull her down on the bed but Callie was doing her best to fight it. She needed to get up, they had a busy day and she still needed to pack to go to St Louis later that night.

"Arizona, honey, we need to get up," Callie said and turned a little to see the blonde pulling her in with her eyes. "God how do you do it?" Callie asked and turned over completely and started kissing the woman with force. If they were going to do this, she was going to be in charge for once.

Callie ran down the stairs about a half hour later to start the coffee, she had luckily thrown on a robe and while she was filling the pot with water she heard a throat clear and turned to see April standing in the kitchen looking at her. Callie looked at the kitchen and saw the big mess they had left. She gave her a little smile, turned twelve different shades of red and started to pick up the clothes that were all over.

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