Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 16

After Arizona had listened to Callie on the phone she took a few minutes to herself then walked downstairs to find Callie cooking breakfast. She quickly put on her happy face when the brunette turned around.

"Awww, youre up! I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed," Callie  told her and gave her a kiss. "Mmmm, did I ever tell you that I think you look beautiful in the morning?"

"Just the morning?" Arizona asked and snaked her arms around Callie's waist and held on.

"Of course not just in the morning, but for you, when I see you in the morning, you look fresh and you don't have any makeup on," she said with a kiss. "And it reminds me of that day I watch you toss those hay bales. You were such a badass. And totally sexy," kiss. "And I just find that the times I am most attracted to you are the times when I wouldn't be attracted to people normally. There is something different about you that is uniquely Arizona."

"Uniquely Arizona huh? What's in your coffee, you're uniquely corny today." Arizona said with a laugh looking up at the slightly taller woman.

"I'm serious," Callie said with a straight face and leaned down for a kiss. "I want you to know, I think you're amazing, and I'm glad we are getting this time together."

Arizona looked up at the woman and wondered what to say. What was she supposed to say? I know you are getting married and you are just using this time as a distraction. Using me as a distraction. But I'm okay with that. Really I am.

"You're beautiful too Callie," Arizona told her and leaned up for a kiss from the woman. "Want me to go back to bed so you can bring me my surprise?" She asked trying to lighten the mood. She didn't want things to get heavy, she wanted to try to keep the conversation small for now.

"No, you can stay, but come sit with me and talk," Callie told her and fixed the blonde a cup of coffee just the way she liked it. Callie moved around the kitchen making their breakfast while Arizona sat and watched her and kept up the conversation.

"Oh! I meant to tell you, Tim and Teddy are taking the boys to St Louis for the weekend for some fun, they wanted to know if we wanted to go with them. I thought maybe we could get you a new phone."

"Oh! Perfect! I actually need a few things I haven't been able to get here. I also need some new tennis shoes since mine were ruined the other day," Callie told her with a huge smile. Civilization at last! Maybe she could get a latte....oh the possibilities!

"You have an enormous smile on your face. It might be the biggest smile I've ever seen."

"Oh, well yeah, I really need to check messages and I haven't been able to do that. I know I have a bunch waiting on me and I've been a little stressed about it."

"Oh, I didn't realize you were so worried about checking your messages," Arizona told her and thought it was strange. She had heard her talk to her friend Addison and she mentioned when she had spoke to her parents. But if she did have a girlfriend she hadn't mentioned it. Not that she would, but she hadn't mentioned talking to anyone else and Arizona hadn't seen her on the phone with anyone on a regular basis. You'd think she would be talking to a girlfriend semi-regularly if there was one.

But then again why would she mention her girlfriend to the person she was Sleeping with? What were they anyway?

She needed to stop thinking about this so much and just live in the now. This was temporary and she needed to make the most of it while she could.

"Arizona?" She heard and looked at Callie who was staring at her with a confused look.

"Oh...sorry! What?"

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