Liability (Sova x Reader)

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Sova says some things he doesn't mean, and to cool off you leave for a mission.
Things don't go according to plan, to say the least.

GENRE: Hurt/Comfort


WARNINGS: Violence, blood and injury, angst


Sova was always calm and collected. That's the only way you had ever really seen him. He was the quick-thinker on the battlefield, the one who always knew what to do. He was always looking out for everyone else, and as selfless as that was, you didn't want him to forget about himself in the midst of that. You can see how the constant work and stress gets to him. The darkness under his eyes that never seems to fade, and the way he sighs lightly before agreeing to whatever it was that Brimstone had asked of him. He could never say no. He was selfless to a fault.

"You need to start saying no to him, Sova," you say, face concerned and arms crossed as you look at him from across the hall. He's rubbing at his wrist, which looks bruised. He had just returned from yet another mission despite only just getting back hours earlier from one before that. He's overworking himself.

He scoffs.

"I'm fine." You're taken aback by his abruptness.

"He's putting too much on you. You need to take a break. There are other people who can do the job just as well."

"I can handle it," he says, turning and walking away from you.

"Sova," you start walking after him, he doesn't stop. "I'm not saying you can't handle it. I'm saying that you aren't the only one that can. He has other agents that he can go to."

"Like who? There is no one else that can do recon work as I can. I can do the work, so I will." You aren't sure where he's going, and honestly, you're sure that he doesn't know either. At this point, all he's doing is trying to get away from you so you can't tell him he's wrong.

"Yoru is good at gathering intel, even Neon, hell, even Cypher could-"

"Yoru is reckless and too self-absorbed. Neon is inexperienced. And as for Cypher, I cannot imagine why you could begin to trust him with anything," Sova interrupts you. He's still walking ahead of you, but you get close enough and grab his arm. He finally stops.

"Then at least ask for help. You don't have to keep doing these missions alone. I could come with you. Anyone of us would be more than willing to come with you and-" you attempt to speak again, but he interrupts you once more, voice cold.

"And then what? Have another thing I have to worry about? Have to worry about making sure you don't get yourself killed? I'm not going to let myself be held back by the incompetency of others. Having others with me would be a liability that I don't want to deal with right now." He hasn't even turned to face you yet, which makes his words sting a little bit more.

You let go of him.

"Is that what I am to you? A liability?" You see his shoulders tense, but he stays facing away from you. "Fine." You turn and walk away. You almost want him to say something as you leave. You want him to follow after you and apologize, but he doesn't. He stays exactly where you left him in silence. No effort to go back on what he said and say that he didn't mean it like that. You feel your eyes burn with the threat of tears but you bring the heel of your hand up and wipe them away.

You head to Brimstone's office. You had originally put off going out for this mission until a few days later, but you needed to distract yourself. Brimstone would be happy to have it done sooner than later anyway.

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