Sticky Notes (Cypher x Reader)

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Cypher starts noticing the little sticky notes that start showing up with cute little messages for him. After it goes on for a while, he decides to finally figure out who is leaving them.

GENRE: Fluff




At first, it was just one note left for him maybe once a week. He doesn't think too much of it when the first one shows up on the door of his workshop. It's just a small, blue sticky note, a message written in a handwriting he didn't recognize.

'Cypher, remember to rest! You deserve it,' he reads the note again, smiling. He had been working a lot lately and it was a nice sentiment regardless of who it came from.

He takes the advice to heart and lets himself be done with his work for the day.

He finds the next note on his door, written in the same handwriting. This one is a pale pink, and reads: 'Drink water!'. It's simple, but whoever is writing them seems to care about him.

He walks into his room and looks through his desk. He finds what he's looking for easily enough; his own little stack of sticky notes. He takes out a pen and writes out his own message.

'Thank you, but might I know who I'm writing to?' He sticks the sticky note back to his door, hopeful that whoever stuck the first note there would eventually come back and see it. He decides that whoever put the note there is smart enough to wait for him to leave if they didn't want to be known, so he leaves his room and heads to his workshop.

Sure enough, when he comes back a few hours later, ready to go to sleep for the night, there is a new note waiting for him on his door again. The same writing, and the same blue paper as the first note.

'That would ruin the mystery of it :).'

He laughs. He was always fond of a good mystery, so he was more than willing to continue with this little game.

Soon enough, he's getting a note almost every day, sometimes even twice or three times. Most of them are just little reminders to take care of himself. Reminding him to take a break or to smile. They make his day every time he finds one. It's not that he didn't normally look after himself, but sometimes he would get so busy with work that he would lose track of time and end up staying up far too late or forgetting to eat something or drink. The notes always made sure that he didn't do that anymore. He's felt the best he has in a long time during this past week.

The notes were always so sweet and thoughtful, and eventually, his curiosity got the better of him. He had to know who was leaving the notes. Whoever it was must have known a lot about him, especially to manage to avoid all the surveillance that Cypher had around the building. He hadn't really tried to figure out who it was yet; he was busy and, to be honest, he did enjoy the mystery of the whole thing.

He asked a few others if they were getting any notes, but they just looked at him confused.

'Are you ready to tell me who you are yet?' he writes and sticks to the door of his workshop where he had just found a sticky note.

An hour later, he already has another note.

'I thought you would have been able to figure it out by now. Have I really managed to elude the man who knows everything about everyone?'

He grins. He can see the clear challenge in the words. If they wanted to challenge him, he was up to it.

'Only because I wasn't looking yet. I look forward to seeing you in person very soon.' He leaves the note there and heads to his room for the night.

The next evening, he finds the note on his coffee mug, tucked away in the cabinet of the community kitchen. While there were shared mugs that were free for everyone to use, some agents had their own that they left there. Whoever was leaving the notes knew him well enough to know which one was his then.

'You might not have been looking, but you've definitely already seen me ;p' It's strangely cryptic, but he laughs a little at the little face that's drawn at the end. The fact that whoever it was has been close to him this whole time is confusing. How has he gone this long without figuring it out? Figuring out stuff like this was literally his job. How has this person managed to avoid him so well?

He waits to reply to the note. He has a plan.


It's dark in the community kitchen when you return to it. You had checked earlier, but there was no note left. Now that everyone should be asleep, it should be clear for you to go.

You open up the cupboard, but the moment you do you hear a small snap. You look and notice what looks like one of Cypher's tripwires that had been attached to the cabinet. You knew how his tripwires worked, and you knew that he was more than aware that it had been broken.

Before you can move, you hear a small laugh behind you.

"Looks like you finally caught me," you say with a smile, turning around.

"It seems so," he walks over to you. "You were quite the elusive target. Now it makes sense why I couldn't find you so quickly."

You had worked with him so much that it was easy for you to avoid any cameras or tripwires that he had set up around his workshop or his room (as many as Brimstone would allow him to in the building). The cabinet was just unexpected.

"I guess we don't need any more sticky notes then, do we?"

"I wouldn't say that," Cypher says, holding out his hand to you. You see a small blue sticky note. Taking it, you read the writing that you had started to look forward to so much.

'Dinner tomorrow?' is all that's written. You smile up at him. Even through the mask, you can tell he's smiling back.

"Of course."  

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