ii. trapped

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I am now pinned to a wall.

"You're trapped. There's no where to run now" Spiderman says triumphantly, causing me to laugh at his words.

He slowly title his head to the side, and I adjust myself with a grin. "Am I supposed to play the weak innocent?" I gesture to the darkness of the night. "You know, you're funny if you think you win this round"

Before Spiderman could comprehend my words, I take the chance to turn around and punch himacross the face. He takes a step back and then steadies himself, staring at me in shock.

"What was that for?" he exclaims angrily, his hand examining his punched cheek.

I steady myself and throw him off enough, so that I could step inside the right cross and get a handful of his mask as I to try to take it off. "Are you out of your mind!" the masked boy shouts.

""What's the matter with you Peter" I shake my head, staring at him with a hostile glare. "Everyone already knows who you are!"

"What did you just say?" he questions, anger dripping out of his words. "What do you mean by everyone?"

"Take off your mask, Peter" I demand with my softest tone, shrugging my shoulders.

He seems to no attention to my order. "What - what brings you here?" Spiderman interjects with a huff.

"Well, you could say, a continuum of bad choices" I frown, taking a step closer to the figure. "Now please, take your mask off"

He scoffs. "As if I would"

I ignore his comment, the sound of my shoes on the pools of water filling in the silence. I then make my way right in front of Spiderman, taking my hood, so that my whole face is exposed to him now.

"I did the first step, if that's what you wanted" I pause, leaning down to his eye level. "Your turn"

Spiderman sighs and uncertainly grabs ahold of his mask, before slowly taking it off.

I freeze in my place, frustration taking over my face as I stare at the brown haired boy, with messy hair, right in front of me.

"Who are you?" I exhale, practically letting a small gasp escape my mouth. "Where's Peter?"

"I don't carry an ID with me" the boy shrugs, his messy hair now jiggling with the wind.

"That's not possible" I scowl, running a hand through my soaked hair. to myself. "It's real"

Peter looks at me, waiting to be filled in with what's coming next. "What's real?" he questions frantically.

"The multiverse" I say, looking up at Peter, who was already staring at me in unamusement.

"I'm sorry, do I have something to do with this mess?" he glares, narrowing his eyes. "What's the multiverse?"

"Ah, the multiverse. It is a concept about which we know frighteningly little. It is the collection of alternate universes, with a similar nature and a universal hierarchy" I tremble, now rubbing the back of my neck.

"And what does that has to do with me?" the boy asks uncertainly.

"Oh Peter Parker, it has everything to do with you"

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