x. college

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Soft and fluffy. Ah.

I could sleep on this bed forever, with it's mattress firmness and fine texture.

I lazily open my eyes, my brain still adjusting my surroundings, with the rays of sunshine slowly making their way to the middle of the room.

I then let out an ear piercing scream and kick my legs like a maniac as I see Peter sitting on the bed, right in front of me.

He, however, shrieks at my sound and screams right afterward, falling backwards and off the bed.

"Bloody hell Peter!" I cry out and I straighten up my position, as Peter chuckles from the ground, raising his arm as a sign of survival.

"Don't act the tough guy who didn't just squeal and fall over his ass"

"Good morning to you too, Irene"

My stomach twisted. Peter has never called me by my name before. We've been on last name basis since we first met and it became a habit.

What a morning.

"I see we're on first name basis now, Peter" I tease, quoting his name.

"I don't see where the problem is" he mocks, leaning in playfully.

I push him away, and off the bed again, hearing him groan as he greets the ground with a thud.

"How did you get here, anyways?" I question out of curiosity, slowly getting up and making my to the small counter in the corner.

Peter doesn't have the key to my room, and I lock the door everynight.

But I mean, he's Peter Parker.

"You should be more careful from spidey thieves coming in from open windows more often" he reassures me, while I make my morning drink.

"Is that so? And what would a spidey thief have to steal from my apartment" I ask, taking a sip of hot chocolate.

"Smart question. What if I say" he pauses, raising an eyebrow. "Your heart?"

I gulp, nearly choking on my own drink. Good thing he was busy checking out something on my desk and didn't see my awkward reaction.

Was he flirting with me?

No he was not.

Don't convince yourself otherwise.

"Cat got your tongue?" he leers, his head popping up from the other side of the room.

"Whatever" I shrug it off. "Shouldn't you be in college anyways?"

"Got a free period" Peter smiles. "Oh - and uh - by the way - I got you something"

The brunette takes off his bag and takes out a tiny bouquet of colorful flowers.

"Oh no no no" he panics with a sad look. "They were - they were better. I promise"

"Just shut up" I quip, no longer paying attention to Peter's words as I stare at the bouquet in his hands.

I've never received flowers before.

"I - I'm gonna keep these" the boy stammers. "I'll get you better ones another time"

"Peter Parker - don't you dare" I threaten, making him slightly grin. "Those are the prettiest flowers I've ever seen"

I take the bouquet and slowly pick up the cup on the floor from yesterday night.

"Uhm, yeah, that would do" I whisper to myself as I put the flowers in.

"You look cute while sleeping, tho" Peter beams with a smile, literally out of nowhere.

I did not focus on the compliment when I processed what he said. "I'm sorry wha - Peter" I stutter. "Please tell me you did not just watch -"

"I did. I did. I couldn't help it"

"I am indeed not a pretty sleeper" I groan, cupping my face in my hands. "God, no, that must have been so embarrassing"

"You're beautiful" he confesses as I peak at him from the opening between my fingers.

It was all a matter of seconds but I was staring at the soul right in front of me, having a loss of words. What if everything I needed all along was affection?

He was looking at me like there was something worth looking at. I shake my head and push away all the thoughts.

"Listen, I think we should get going, right?" I snap, more like as an order. "Right, yeah, how about we just make our way to college"

"Uhm - yeah" he pauses with a confused look, but he seemed to shrug it away and play on with me. "Oh - uh, don't you need to, change into your clothes?"

I stay still in my place, taking a defensive pose. "Oh Peter Parker, so you were trying to stay for the show, am I correct?"

Peter's eyes widen as he takes a step backward, scratching the back of his neck. "No no no I swear I -"

"You're not the first one"

The brunette seemed to lose the ability to contain his words by now.

"Chill, I'm just kidding" I laugh at his face. "I will change on our way there"

Peter now seemed to freak out.

"I meant by magic" I assure him.

He looked relieved after what I said, and he then chills and brings himself together.

"I - y-you flirt in the most awkward situations"

"And that's what makes it special" I leer as I open the door and give Peter all the access to outside.

Our way to college was spent with me and Peter fighting over which Arctic Monkeys song is the best.

His was Arabella.

Mine was I Wanna Be Yours.

The better taste is obvious.

"Listen don't get me wrong, I love Arabella, but come on"

"Uh-huh. You're wrong. But kinda have a point, but you're still not fully right"

"Nevermind you. Whoever reaches the front door first wins for the best song" I announce as I start running, laughing at Peter who is running in a slow motion behind me.

"Hey! Magic is not allowed!" the brunette yells from behind.

I ignore the faint calls of Peter from behind, as I run like a happy free bird, pretending my life depends on it, until I finally reach the front door.

"I win!" I cry out as I undo the hex on Peter, and push the front door, taking myself to middle of a hallway, in a college I've never been to before.

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