xvi. pretty mistakes

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I woke up the next day, in what seems to be an early timing. I slowly open my eyes, only to see myself cradled between Peter's arms.

And then the realization kicked in. I slept with the Peter Parker.

Sadly, I did not sleep with him.

But I still slept with him, correct?

Goddamn it, shut up. I say as I slap myself on the inside, punishing my own thoughts.

I slowly unwrap myself from soft sensation, careful not to make any noise that could alarm Peter's tingle.


I silently crawl around the room, my thoughts consuming me. Peter, however, who was still asleep on the bed, distracted my mind.

I couldn't help but stare.

He looked like an angel that was purposely sent down to heal the broken and clear the wounds.

"Did you have to get up?" the sudden, drowsy voice of Peter snaps me out. "You know, you're pretty comfy"

"I did not mean to wake up" I slightly shake my head, pushing away the images forming in my thoughts as I see Peter now stretching out his arms.

"But now that you're up, get up" I demand, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Good morning to you too, beautiful" Peter chuckles, sorting out his messy hair that was covering his eyes.

Can I just cup his face in my hands already.

"What's up with the bossy tone?"

"Last night" I start, releasing a sigh as I walk in circles around the room, trying to form out the words. "It was - it was not right"

Peter seemed to be concerned, he slowly raises himself up, laying his back against the end of the bed, as he straightens himself. "Which part?"

"Everything, Peter" I impatiently throw out, rubbing the back of my neck. "Everything" I repeat to the boy who stayed still.

I then uncertainly manage to turn around to the door, before I feel something vicious on my hips, and I was suddenly pulled back to Peter, only to be caught by his pair of arms, preventing me from touching the ground.

I was unable to open my eyes for a few moments, before I take control myself and my eyes widen in shock as I take ahold of Peter's shoulders for support, and catch him smirking.

This was such a very wrong position. But it was making me feel things and - holy shit.

I breath out hardly, as Peter's hands remain still on my hips, still sitting on the bed, looking up at me.

"This is gonna sound shabby, but" he whispers, his hands now moving further and upward from my waist. "I love it when you're half asleep and talking nonsense"

I feel my cheeks heat up, and my gaze shifting into his face, before doing the calculations again.

With the now shifting eye contact, I press my lips together and shake my head. "Don't" I say, shifting my glances to the ground as I take my hands off him, backing away. "Don't, Peter"

And with those final words, I hopelessly exist the room, leaving Peter to wander alone with his mind.

Now, after ten minutes of secretly following Peter's steps, I recognize him getting out of the house, most probably making his way to college.

I recklessly follow his tracks, jumping on the rooftops of the buildings he passes by, keeping my safe distance.

To see him, to feel him. He calms me. He cures me.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a dreamer, I've sadly ruined this life for myself.

But, should I ever thank him for making me feel things I've never felt before, though? Thoughts I've never imagined myself thinking of?

My heart says 'he's the only one I wanna fall asleep next to' , but my mind says the opposite.

Maybe I am danger. I am danger for everyone around me. I am danger for him.

But, I'll keep him safe, I promise.

I'll do the impossible for him, I promise that too.

Maybe this, ending up here, wasn't just a bad accident after all.

Peter soon walks his way through the front door of the college, and I look around, careful not to be caught jumping down by anyone.

I seek down Peter's way to his lockets attentively, before losing my sight of him.

I walk over to his locker, confusion spread over my face, until I suddenly feel a pair of hands covering my eyesight and pulling me back.

I try to pull their strong features away from me, but once I fail, I cover their hands with mine.

"I know you were following me" a recognizable voice whispers into my ear. "And I don't appreciate it"

A grin spread across my face as I feel him remove his hands from my eyes, and I turn around to face him.

"Hi" he mumbles, a small smile forming on his lips.

"Hi" I awkwardly respond. "Don't you have class?"

He shakes his head as a sign of no. "Got a free period, again"

"Why did you come earlier than usual, then?"

"I had to - clear my mind of some stuff" Peter hesitantly explains. He looks down at me, his gaze now fixed.

"Come with me?" the brunette then questions, offering his arm.

"What?" I query, giving him the look. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see" he responds in return, his eyes lighting up, before dragging me along with him.

"Wait" I call out from behind him, as I feel the voice in the back of my head calling me again.

Peter stops in his tracks and turns to look at me.

I look back at the boy standing right in front of me. Maybe nothing bad will happen, right?

"Nevermind" I scoff and Peter shrugs, pulling me with him.

"What are we doing, again?" I then question in annoyance, as I feel like Peter has the urge to pass almost half of the college.



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