xxxii. second time's no charm

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I was walking down the streets of the neighborhood after I went out for some air, hoping to clear my thoughts.

And I kind of looked deeper into myself, just like I always do, before ending up in a twirl of messes again.

Maybe this time I shouldn't speak my thoughts out loud, maybe it would be better if I kept them to myself.

Anyways, I'm almost here.

I skip down my steps to the doorstep of the Parkers, before brainstorming the perfect idea.

The last time I half-sneaked on Peter ended up being a poetic confession of emotions.

Maybe I'll make my way to the third one, because third time's a charm, and he'd admit his undying love for me.

Just joking.

Let's see what the second one is hiding for us, if Peter's tingle doesn't catch us.

I walk my way up the two stairs and to the entrance, as I slowly open the door, before closing it steadily.

The voices were coming upstairs from Peter's room, which proves that he's probably having a conversation with Aunt May.

My plan wouldn't be sneaking now, it would be eavesdropping.

I quietly make my way up the stairs, not to the top, however, only enough for me to hear some of their conversation.

Again, it's not eavesdropping.

I'm just waiting for Aunt May to finish her convo with her son so I can properly sneak up on him.

I carefully sit down on the stairs, my head meeting the wall behind me, silence taking in.

"...Because what you're doing is unfair, Peter"

"It is fair Aunt May! I like her and that's enough"

"You like her?"

"I do"


"I do. Please do not push things further, Aunt May, I like her, and that's all what matters"


"She's a special person to you Peter. And she's smart enough. She'll figure it out soon"

"There's nothing wrong for her to figure out"

"Oh but there is, dear boy"

More silence.

"Do you like her? Or like the idea of her? The concept of her?"

"Aunt May, please -"

"Answer me, Peter"

Another moments of silence.

"Do you like her because she's her? Or because you created a different version of her in your head?"

"What are you -"

"You see Gwen in her"

"Aunt May, there's nothing wrong with seeing Gwen in her"


"You believe that she's Gwen, don't you? That's why you like her"

Maybe the second time wasn't as charming as the first.

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