xli. confusion

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peter parker::

"Because in her smile, I see something a lot farther than the stars, something a lot deeper.

Something that made me question, which is harder. Me, not having them next to me, or me, scared of losing a person who I think of as a lover?

I was always a person, who looks a little more deeper than what the eyes simply see.

But Irene, they're something different. They come from a contrasting kind, ones I've never met like before.

What matters the most, is that I think, I might be falling again. But this time, I'm crashing really hard.

I'll write poems, which no one will ever read."

"Because I think I'm in love, Peter Parker once said, and his hypothesis was valid" I whisper to myself.

Her hand slowly moved to my neck, pushing me closer to her forehead, so that now we're resting against each other.

"I'm so sorry" I repeat, my heart aching every second I open my mouth to say a word.

She'll move on one day, just like all people do. She'll find someone else, someone who can make her truly happy, someone who'll touch her heart in ways no one has ever done before.

But I'll still be remembered. I should be remembered by her, maybe even cross her mind once in a while?

She'll belong with me, though, at least in my own fantasy.

Or will I move on too?

But I don't want to.

"You'll never forget me, right?" I ask her, my own echos howling in my head.

I could feel her smile under my closed eyes, and she shakes her head.

"Will you?" she queries, as she slowly pulls away, her hand still planted on my neck.

"Only till death tear us apart"

It shall have been quite easy to fall in love with her. Her touch, her smile, her words. But I bet it won't feel the same leaving her.

What we encountered in the bathroom only proved that whatever we had, was falling apart, if it hasn't been completely destroyed just yet.

And I can feel my heart being torn to two at that thought, my mind silently screaming.

I thought it's too early for everything to be over just yet.

Never have I ever craved someone so badly that I had my heart ache at yeh single thought of them.

I know that what I'm thinking isn't straight, but that's love. So what's grief, if not love preserving?

Right now, she's staring.

I can feel her eyes on me, and I'm fighting the urge not to lock my eyes with her already, craving her connection.

Just focus on your work, Peter, focus on your work.

Brewing Doctor Connor's cure, I check out every material I grab before mixing them all together.

Thanks to Gwen, I still remember the way she created Dr. Connor's cure.

I then feel my tingle calling.

I quickly glance up from my place, looking over at Irene, who was staring deeply at something.


More likely, staring deeply at someone.

Irene's eyes were fixed on Peter and Mj, their foreheads locked with each other, as Mj strokes her lover's arm.

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