xxxiii. happiness isn't earned

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TW: slight mentions of eating disorder.

"You believe that she's Gwen, don't you? That's why you like her"

The world stopped spinning.

And I am still sat there.


I struggle to get up from my position without making a sound, and sprint down to the backdoor.

The door from Peter's room was suddenly opened and there was Aunt May standing, making her way downstairs.

"Irene!" she exclaims, opening her arms for an embrace, "I didn't notice you where here"

I hug the lady back, letting out a shaky breath. "Yeah well, I just came back from a run"

Aunt May pulls away, a wide smile spread across her face. "Peter's upstairs in his room if you're looking for him" she winks.

"Thanks, Aunt May" I reply, forcing a smile to the caring lady.

I take a deep breath and turn around, making my way to Peter's bedroom.

I feel like shit.

"Go away" Peter said, as I knock on the bedroom door.

The door skittered open and I stood there, lips pursed in affront.

"Oh, not you" Peter looked up, a smile breaking across his face.

"I thought you were Aunt May again. Sorry. Hi"

"Hey" I reply, Peter's amused smile still on his face.

I walk over to Peter's bed and sit down next to him, resting my feet on the messy ground.

He turns around and meets my gaze. "You look pale" Peter admits. "Did you have something to eat this morning?"

I could feel Peter's words drifting away, and it was peaceful for a moment.

"Irene, are you okay?" the brunette questions again.

Are you okay he just asked.

I wanna hide the earthquakes in my voice by not responding, but my eyes can't hide for long.

"W-water" I manage to response. "I had water"

"Oh my God Irene, why didn't you have any food?" he exclaims anxiously, before standing up and speeding downstairs.

He was back in a blink of an eye, a chocolate bar in his hands.

"Eat that please, my lady. Now" he commands, handing me over the sweet bar.

I turn it around, inspecting it, before eating it, only to realize.

Peter had the nutrition facts all scratched away by some black marker.

How did he -

"I figured it out too"

I look up at him from his bed, shooting him a look of surrender as I slowly unpeel the wrap around the chocolate.

Peter sits down again next to me, as I stare at the open chocolate bar in my hands.

I can't focus.

Nothing makes sense.

"I know this is difficult, but I am proud of you" he slowly speaks up.

This, however, wasn't the reason why I wasn't currently eating.

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