xliv. fear

643 22 0

"You'll have to focus. We can do better together" Doctor Strange explains, holding my hand to lure more energy.

There wasn't enough time to feel or sense anything and I opened my eyes, only to see an open portal in front of us.

It opened almost in a blink on of an eye, and I give Doctor Strange a quick look and a nod, before jumping in the portal.

My mouth was wide open in surprise. There were Mj and Ned standing in front of me and Doctor Strange, seemingly still on the battlefield.

"Oh" Ned freaks out, backing away from me and the man in the red cape.

"Where is he?" Doctor Strange snaps at the two teens, his face now switched from soft, memorable-like, to a furious one.

"W-where's who?" Ned questions awkwardly, beaming with his head around.

"Where, is, Peter, Parker?" he hisses angrily at Ned, who's eyes were darted open now.

When Doctor Strange was left with silence as a response, he snatched the magic box from Mj's hand, gripping it firmly in his, which got Ned to speak.

"Wait wait wait!" he calls out, "before you do anything Mr - Dr Strange - sir! WHATEVER. Peter's plan is working!"

"What plan?" Doctor Strange queries, raising his eyebrows as he stares blankly at Ned.

"He's curing them!"

I walk over to the railings, revealing Peter getting covered up in green smoke, and a man still not completely awake, or aware of his surroundings.

"Doctor Connors?" Peter quietly questions the man, as he soon becomes familiar with his background. "Welcome back, sir"

Doctor Strange stares down at the view in front of him, before turning back to Ned. "Did you just open a portal?"

"Y-yes, sir, I did"

"Hm" Doctor Strange dryly replies, still staring at Ned. "Impressive" he then yanked me by my arm, walking me away from the two confused teens.

"Stephen, wait" I stop him, and he turns to look at me. "They're - they're almost done"

"It's dangerous, sweetheart" he warns, giving me the look, as I look around us, in hope of finding the three Peters.

Stephen opens a portal and we walk through, only to be met up with the voice I've been waiting for.

"Strange, wait, we're so close!" the youngest Peter comes in landing in front of me and Stephen.

"Zip it!" he snaps angrily at Peter, shutting him down. "I've been dangling over the grand canyon for twelve hours"

The eldest Peter was now suddenly standing next to the youngest, and I titled my head, in search of the third.

"I - um, uh - I, um-"

There he was.

I let out a sigh of relief as I see the third Peter jumping next to the youngest, taking in for a fact that he's okay.

"I - I am sorry about that, sir, I - um -" Peter stutters, failing to form his words as he explains his situation.

"You went to the grand canyon?" the eldest Peter adds, joining tge youngest Peter's side.

"We could've used your help" the middle Peter then snaps next to them.

"No no no listen, it's okay - it's actually my - ARGH. Forget it" the youngest Peter cries out in frustration.

"Oh, and uh - these are m-my freinds. My brothers. This is Peter Parker, this is Peter Parker" he explains, rushing his own words in a quick manner. "Spiderman, Spiderman. They're mes, from another universes"

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