vii. bloody ribcage

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"You're such an arrogant little lady" Peter groans.

"Because I won't throw myself at you?"

"Touché" he smirks.

I'm standing on Peter's bed, my hands pointed at him like a weapon. "I'll throw a fish at you if you won't stop chasing me around"

"I just want to put some lotion on your bruises"

"I would still throw something at you tho"

"No" Peter growls, rolling his eyes.

"I can do that for myself, actually"

"You were slammed right across a car. I wanna see your back" Peter demands. "Also please stop moving around. It'll only make the pain worse"

"Go to hell" I grumble as I get tired of arguing and sit on the bed. Peter smiles with a winning grin. He leaves and comes back with a first aid kit and pulls out some kind of ointment from the box.

Peter sits down, facing my back. "You know, if you're not really comfortable" he stammers "Um, we can do that without actually taking all your top off" He whispers the last part.

"You're such an objectively harmless gentleman" I smile at him. "But, no, I don't mind"

Peter nods nervously, as he starts unzipping my attire, his cold fingers tracing down the smooth skin of my bare back.

I bite my lip, feeling the inside of my stomach being tickled.

I tried to hold it in but miserably fail.

"Stop with the teasing" I groan, slightly tilting my head, catching him moderately grin to himself.

This scenario however, seemed wrong for two people who have met each other for a week.

It although, feels like I've known him for more than a week now. And I have no idea if this feeling is mutual.

There always remains unanswered questions about every different version of Peter Parker.

"Good heavens Stacy" he stammers as he finishes taking my top off, leaving me in my black bra only, half uncovered.

"Your back is like bold, and bright and purple mixed with yellow on the surface"

I couldn't help but snort at his description of my back. "That's hilarious" I say between laughs. "Have you never been bruised before?"

"I have! It's just - it's just - Forget it. It's not my fault you're bizarre" he complains. "Anyways, this might hurt"

He carefully begins stroking my back and I let a huff of irritation at the not-very-friendly sensation.

"Argh, I'm sorry, love" Peter apologizes with a sense of regret in his voice, as he continues dabbing my skin smoothly.

"Talk to me. It'll make the pain less"

"I - I don't know what to talk about"

"Okay, okay listen" Peter begins. "What is the one thing you can't live without?"

"Too easy" I snort. "Oxygen"

It takes Peter a while to process what I said, and surely not because of stupidness.

"That was very scientific of you. I'm impressed" he smiles.

"I know right, it's more like a Peter Parker-ish type of answer"

"I'm sorry, is this supposed to be an insult?"

I, however, before getting the chance to answer, slightly gasp, as I feel Peter's smooth lips against the skin of my exposed back, right above my bruise.

"All done" he smiles as he closes the ointment, putting it away. "Now that's the fast healing trick"

"Gee, thanks, I guess"

Peter turns me around so I can face him. "Be more careful the next time. I don't want to lotion you all up again"

"I normally spurt blood from my rib cage, actually"

"Interesting" he admits, glancing all around his room, avoiding my eyes.

Peter then groans as he looks me up and down with an appreciative smile on his lips.

I take Peter's sweater and pull it over, as I eye the brunette in front of me with a mischievous smile.

"You are trouble Stacy" he admits, shaking his head.

"I prefer if you use the term gifted, actually," I tease as I lean in close to him.

"All set?" I query, moving away to look at him directly, only to see a flustered red cheeky brunette.

"All set for w-what?" Peter stutters, confused.

"This" I beam, as I push him hard on his chest, sending him to the floor, definitely breaking whatever kind of tension getting formed in the room.

Peter falls down, pulling me with him so I am now on the top of him, blocking his body with my knees.

"Is that so?" he smirks, raising his eyebrows, "Two can play this game"

Peter surprisingly flips us over with force so I am now beneath him, and I freeze up at his sight.

"That is such a wrong scenario" I complain, having myself pinned down. "I'm the top in all cases"

Peter shakes his head, hiding a grin as he looks down at me. "Are you teasing me again?"

"Your face seems to enjoy it"

"It feeds your ego, doesn't it?"

"I mean, what's in it for me?"

"You're not going to out-tease me today" Peter assures, raising his eyebrows, as he tightens his force on me.

Then there it was, the annoying funny sensation where you lose control over your body instinctively.

I have always hated being strangled.

"Stop!" I shriek anxiously as I close my eyes, rolling around under his arms.

"Peter! S-stop! I s-swear to God -" I threaten, squeezing my eyes shut. "if y-you don't just - "

"Oh look at you" Peter teases, leaning in closer to me, as he slowly stops his strangling. "You soften up when you're not in control"

He grins at me from up and I gasp, my eyes widening at what he just managed to say.

And after what felt like forever, he finally leers with a mischievous smile "Fine, fine, I'll stop"

I pant heavily as I catch my breath, slowly blinking the tears away. "D-damn you Peter" I cry out.

"That's what you get for being a constant tease" the boy sneers, smiling in mischief.

"Oh come on!"

The brunette sneers. "We'll talk about that after you successfully get away from my grip"

"Really?" I badger with a grin on my face. "Piss off"

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