xv. death wish

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I jolt awake. My eyes snap open, and I'm covered in cold sweat, all panting and I'm still on Peter's bed.

"Irene?" Peter whispers as he gets up from the other side of the room, water collecting at the bottom of his eyelid.

"Do you have a death wish?" he screeches angrily. I notice a few tears in his now red eyes. "You could've died!"

I stand still in my place. "I don't -"

"Stop" Peter cut me off. "Just stop"

His anger was now gone. He slumped, exhausted. Peter took a deep breath, his body shivering. My heart was caught in a swirl as I realized how truly worried he was.

I slowly get up and walk to him, embracing his figure. He wraps his arms around me, and I heard him sniff.

"It's okay" I swallow. "I'm okay"

"Oh dear God. I thought - I thought I lost you" he breaks down as he tightens his grip around me. "And I couldn't imagine what -"

My heart shatters at his words, but I contain myself. "Shh, shhh, I've got you Peter" I assure him, gently stroking his back.

I pull away and cup his cheeks with my hands, making him look me in the eyes. "I'm right here darling, and I'm not going anywhere. You're safe"

His eyes were glittery, yet there were no tears streaming down his face. He tilts his head to my shoulder, as he looks like he was about to say something.

His shoulders, however, were trembling in panic. "I'm here, I'm here" I continue chanting to the boy, waiting for him to calm down.

"I have lost a lot already" Peter grieves, his voice cracking. "And it hurts, Irene, it hurts a lot"

I know this feeling Peter, I really do.

"I know it hurts. You just have to trust me, okay? It'll be alright. I promise" I assure, tenderly caressing his smooth, soft hair, my grip not leaving him.

His fingers brushed against my neck, sending chills all over my back. Peter's hands went from the sides of my head and down to my shoulders.

Peter raises his head and straightens himself, so we were now facing each other. He stares into my eyes and slowly smiles, his puffy eyes clearly visible.

The brunette's eyes fell onto my lips, a nervous exhale leaving his mouth, with his chest heaving as he swallows hard. His eyes keep dart from my eyes to my lips consistently.

My eyes on the other hand, also raked down to his lips, causing Peter to carefully lean in. I shift a little closer, feeling his breath on his lips, but yet not in a kiss.

Until Aunt May suddenly bolts in the room, with what seems to be tea in her hand, and freezes in her place at the view in front of her.

I unconsciously push away the boy and turn my head to look at the room. Meanwhile Peter clears his throat.

"Y-you're awake sweetheart" Aunt May smiels as she rushes over, examining my face then leaning in for a hug. "Oh dear, you're alright. You had me bloody worried for a good while"

"I'm good now Aunt May, and I'm sorry for worrying you like that" I apologize to the caring woman, offering her a smile.

"My dear, do not worry. What matters is that you're alright now" she assures as she places a kiss on my forehead. "And you Peter Parker. We have to talk" Aunt May threatens as she makes her cue to leave.

"Yes we do Aunt May, we do" Peter replies with a smile as the lady closes the door behind her.

The room was filled with awkward air at the moment, and Aunt May's shout from the stairs did not make it better. "Use protection Peter!"

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