xii. party went wrong

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I am standing in front of my mirror with a dazed look of bewilderment, inspecting my outfit.

It's either this black off shoulder cocktail skater dress, or a croptop with a leather jacket and a pair of black pants.

My hair is perfectly fit against my face, but I was still missing one thing.

I walk over to my desk and grab my eyeliner.

Yes, my desk, my love, my dear savior. I am a chaotic person, putting all my stuff in one place is a habit. And the small apartment which is consisted of one room isn't helping.

Two windows, a desk, a bed, a counter. I have a king sized bed though, that's a flex.

I take the black pencil and trace the lines on my eyes, giving myself a proud clap.

I remember trying on eyeliner once for a party, and after that I couldn't go out without it on, otherwise I won't feel attractive. It's like you can't accept yourself without it.

Ugh. Little did I know the addiction would get worse, but still better than drugs.

I get up and smooth my dress, and add the finishing touches by slipping on my ranger boots.

Peter is waiting out in front of the building, music blaring out of the rolled down windows. And not just any music, but Arabella.

"You've got to be kidding me" I greet as I climb in next to a smirking Peter.

"Since when did the Peter Parker drive?"

Peter grins, raising his eyebrows at me as he motions for me to get in. "Since now"

"Well then can our first level be try not to die?"

"Eh, that seems like a lot to ask"

I grin at his response. "Whatever"

Nevertheless, after what feels like ages we finally pull up to the Thompson's house. It was a huge two story house with vines sprawling all over.

"Irene" Peter greets, offering his hand.

I take a hold of his hand and we start walking. "You look fine, you know" he points out.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Peter Parker" I confess with a smile.

The blasting rock music could be heard from the house as you walk through. You can't hear anyone anymore unless you shout.

"Oh my God, it's so huge here" Peter gulps. "There is a hell lot of people"

"How about we have some fun" I grin at the view in front of me as I lick my lips.

The night is alive. The air is so thick with lights and music and dancing. There is free endless drinks everywhere. The alcohol scent filled my nose with the room becoming more stiffy.

Peter follows me as I walk into the middle of the house, where the loud thumping music is being played. The messy DJ room had empty bottles laid on the ground and thrown over the couches. 

The students, however, are very out-going, smiles and waves are thrown to me and Peter.

"Maybe this wasn't a bad idea" Peter finally admits, and I smile mischievously, before I hear my name get called out by the one and only.

"Hi! You made it" Mj cheers as she leans in for a hug. "And you brought someone"

"That's.. Peter. Peter Parker"

"Oh I know him, we used to have a common freind back then" she confesses. "And we have a bunch of classes together"

"You're not the party type student, am I right?" Mj questions the brunette who nods in response with a forced smile.

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