xxvi. feelings

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"Would you rather sleep with spiders, or eat a living worm?"

Our way to the middle of the city at night was fun, I must admit.

After a lot of talks and negotiations, Peter and I, or more like only me, kind of came up with a plan to work according to.

I always wanted to pay this museum a visit, for some reason. But not as much as I wanted right now.

Something felt right about it.

It felt right about the whole situation.

"I see no much of a choice"

Peter chuckles next me, skipping down a bunch of steps and landing next to me.

"If you look at it from a different perspective, you have plenty of choice"

"Which is?"

It then hit me like a truck.

Peter was flirting, again.

He repeated his first option twice, which was sleeping with spiders.

But, how can I, Irene Motherfucking Stacy, not tell a flirt apart?

Something has really gotten into me. And maybe it's something that has to do with the side effects of a, lovebite, maybe?

Or maybe a spiderbite.

"Oh my God" I groan at the brunette, who was now grinning at me.

We walk a few more steps closer, and I can feel his eyes on me, a tiny smirk flickering across his face.

"Stop looking at me like that" I demand, rolling my eyes at him.

Peter doesn't reply, but the grin on his face does so for him, as it grows bigger.

"You're so fun to mess with"

I tilt my head back in frustration, trying to hide my smile. "And I should get used to it by now"

I roll my eyes again at Peter, who casually shrugs himself off, still grinning at my sight.

"Has anyone ever told you, how much pretty your eyes look, sparkling in the moonlight?"

My face said everything which I couldn't. My eyes widened, lines disturbing my smooth forehead.

"Are you giving me the silent treatment?" Peter next to me impatiently huffs, motioning his hands around.

"Wait seriously, are you?" he questions again, and I walk soundlessly in my place, focusing on my own steps.

"Holy mother of rectangles, you are"

My eyebrows were now waggling, as an act of slow movement.

"I hate silent treatments"

Sometimes I feel like I wanna make out with him. In a friendly way, though. Can't he kiss me already?

"I don't appreciate them"

Please get out of my head Peter.

My wish might have been fulfilled real quick.

I was then suddenly swirled in my place, and I was now facing my favorite pair of dark brown eyes.

Snuggled in Peter's arms, a small gasp escapes my lips at the sudden change of positions.

And the next thing I feel, was one of Peter's cold hands, on my hips.

I swallow really hard.

"Peter, what are you -"

Peter's free hand then finds its own way to my bottom lip, shushing me slowly.

"That got you to talk, huh?" Peter teases, his finger now stroking the bottom of my lip.

The biting cold was filling in my empty lungs, with every breath of sharp knives.

Peter's hand placement on my waist was not helping with the shivers trailing down my body.

"Can't you just see it already?" he mumbles to me, his face forcing me to look at him.

My stomach is now feeling uneasy, along with my racing heart at the current moment.

"What are you talking a-about?" I huff, finding a difficulty to form up any bare words.

My arms slowly find their way to his neck, and I wrap them around him, uncertainly.

"I mean, you're such an enormously stubborn pain in this ass sometimes, like now" Peter chuckles, lowering his head down for a while.

That phrase exactly, wiggled me up and caught my ultimate attention. "How dare you - "

"But it doesn't matter" he then cuts me off, before I could continue with my threat.

"Because I like you"

Our noses were almost touching, and my heart was throbbing, with it's regular, yet strong rhythm.

And my mind was having a scream battle with a bunch of babies right now.

I engulf the anxiety that was making its way to my throat, back to my stomach.

"You don't know me" I whisper to his ear, my own breath speaking for itself.

"But I want to"

I squint my eyes shut, as I feel our foreheads slight brush against each other.

"Isn't it obvious?"

I directly dart away from Peter, a shaky exhale leaving my mouth. But my eyes did not fail to find their way back to his.

Peter tilts his head upwards, so that his eyes are now facing mine. "I'm waiting for you to cut the act already"

"W-what are you talking about?" I blurt out nervously, taking a careful step backwards.

"You're pretending that you're okay"

"I'm not pretending" I shake my head, forcing out a low chuckle.

"Yes you are. You do it every single time. And it shatters my heart when I see you like that"

I swirl around unsteadily in my place, taking a deep breath, as I see Peter narrowing his eyes at me.

Peter takes out his hand, slowly taking a small step towards me. Except this time, I stay still in my place.

He shakes his head. "I wish I could just be honest with you and tell you how -"

Peter suddenly turns his face to the nearest curve of the road, before he could continue with his words.

His eyes widen, and I tilt my head to look at the direction he was glaring at.

Is it his tingle?

I then feel Peter suddenly grab me by my arms fiercely, yet gently, and he pulls me in for an embrace.


I am so confused right now.

Everything felt calm for a moment, until Peter unexpectedly, tightens his grip around me, that I could feel his bitter fingers digging into me.

He whispers in a bunch of words into my ear, changing the whole scenario.

"Don't. Move."

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