xlv. hand of a savior

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peter parker::

I was falling.

My head was not reasoning anymore, and it felt, empty, as it gets rid of all of its tiring thoughts.

I squeeze my eyes shut for the last moment, and what will happen after will either feel as quick, or slow. No in between.

So is this how death feels like?

The statue that should be a place to represent second chances, right? Second chances.

Maybe my fate was to die the same way I killed.

But this moment felt never ending, as I was falling from the highest point of the collapsing statue.

"No!" I hear someone scream.

And it felt forever, as I fell downwards.

Except that I wasn't moving closer to the ground.

And I wasn't falling anymore.

There was a hand.

A hand holding me back.

A hand of a savior.

I bolt my eyes open at the sudden realization, instantly raising my head upwards.

I couldn't process it for a while.

Irene's hand was gripping the area right above my wrist tighter, making me feel steadied in one place.

"H-hi" she breathes out, staring down at me with an unclear expression on her face, before elevating her grasp around my hand.

My heart was still jumping up and down in my chest, my whole body aching for a while, as I remain dangling in the air.

"O-okay" she starts again, panic clear in her eyes, the sound of her rapid heartbeats ringing in my ears. "Y-you have to trust me, okay?"

I force out a smile, weakly nodding at her. "I've always done so" I wanted whisper out to her.

She lets out a breathless chuckle, her gaze remaining down at me.

"I'm gonna let you go" Irene states, between pants. I let out a sigh of relief. I thought it'd be something else.

Until she adds. "And I'll jump with you"

"WHAT" I cry out, tightening my grip around her, my mouth wide open. "Are you insane? Are you really -"

"See you on the other side" she winks.

And Irene lets go of my hand.

I fight the urge not to scream at the sudden realization, that I was falling back again, only that this time, I was actually getting closer to the ground.

But this time, she was falling backward and with me, an actual grin drawn on her face.

The last thing on my mind at the moment, however, was the fear of death; despite the urge to yell at the world, most likely Irene.

She's risking her life.

But she's beautiful. Truly beautiful.

And she was smiling down at me, as she shoots herself towards me and in my direction, reaching out her hand to me.

Irene then laughs as our fingers touch, as we continue dropping downwards, closer and closer to the ground.

But will I really touch the ground?

It felt like we were falling through time, but through good time. A free spirited time.

It felt like, it was never ending, and like forever.

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