xxx. telepath

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My head is resting again something soft, as I lay down on the warm sensation.

My eyes flutter open the next moment, and I freeze at the sight in front of me.

I was snuggled between Peter's arms as I am positioned right next to him on the sofa of a familiar house surrounding.

His arms were wrapped around my figure, as he rests his head in the middle of the couch.

I instantly jump from my place, pushing myself away to the end of the empty sofa.

"Holy shit, Irene" he mumbles as he slowly raises his head up, giving me a look. "Are you okay?"

Oh. I thought he was asleep.

I shake my head, rubbing my sleepy eyes together. "How long have we been like this?"

Peter shrugs. "Since last night"

Last night.

He lectured me, saying that even though I had the ability to protect myself, it was still dangerous for me to stay at my place alone.

We talked about Martin Li as I laid against him, before falling asleep.

Martin knew something that I didn't, I just know that he knows, and I should figure it out before he decides to use it against me.

He's different here. He holds power, and I should stop him before anything gets out of control.

Anyways, back to Peter.

The brunette stretches his arms over the couch, before quietly rubbing his eyes.

"Are you still tired?" I query, as I slowly get up from the couch. "How are your cuts?"

"Don't worry about me" Peter assures, sending me a tired smile. "Plus, I haven't slept that good in a while. You're pretty comfy"

I try and hide the grin that was forming on my face features, as I turn my sight away from him and to the other side of the living room.

Excusing myself away from Peter, I directly make my way to the bathroom upstairs and shut the door behind me.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and shake my head, clearing my thoughts, before running my hands around my neck.

It was still slightly bruised, better than the previous night, however. My neck was a rainbow of colors yesterday.

And Peter didn't like that.

Seeing Peter as mad as he was yesterday was quite the show. He was acting very protective, he was defensive.

Peter didn't say it to me, but it was clear that he blamed himself because he intended to protect me.

Yeah, not to mention the promises of killing Li as soon as he grabs ahold of him.

I caress my neck smoothly, before running a hand through my dark, messy hair and smoothing it before quickly existing the toilet.

I fasten my pace on the descending stairs, before hearing a slight crash coming from Peter's room.


Turning my direction around, I make my way to the brunette's room, pushing the door open.

Peter was standing in the middle of his room with a piece of parchment, an unamused look on his face.

Huh? I guess it's officially time for my snoopiness to make an entrance.

Peter's gaze switches between me and the piece of paper in his hand, as he shrugs his shoulders.

I raiss my eyebrows as Peter folds it within his hands. "What's that in your hand?" I ask him.

Peter shakes his head and tightens his grip around the paper, turning around.

"Hey you" I start off again. "I'm talking to you"

My suspicions were not making a cue to leave as Peter continues his hideous act with the paper in his hand.

"This paper is none of your business" he replies, sending a smirk in my direction.

None of my business?

My mouth forms an 'o' shape, as I lick my lip, looking right at him. "That's a love letter"

"I bet you a hundred dollars that this is a love letter written by Peter Parker" I repeat my theory, earning a grin from him.

I then, without a warning, jump onto the bed next to him so that I'm taller than his figure, and try to snatch the paper.

"Webhead's in love"

I jump onto the floor again and try to catch it without success. "Who's the lucky girl?"

Peter pauses.

"Oh. Right. Or who's the lucky guy?"

Yes, you heard that right. Peter came out from the closest to me not a long time ago.

And guess what? We turned out to be twinning.

Peter twirls himself around, making me struggle in catching the damned piece of parchment. "The lucky person is also none of your business"

"Give it here" I demand.

I was seriously starting to get pissed off.

I thought there were no secrets left between us.

"Who - is - this - person - and - why - don't - I - know - about - them?" I hit him with his pillow with every word I said.

A chuckle escapes Peter, and I frown, a bunch of thought running throughout my head.

"Show me!"

Peter turns around, his eyes flaming with mischief as he says, "you know I will"

The brunette smirks again, his eyes not leaving my figure. "You're just quite the fun to mess with"

I groan, my furiousity thumping in my heart, causing me to jump and kick my legs in the air.

"Seriously. I'm not kidding around anymore" I snap, my fists clenching together.

Everything was still the same for a moment before the brunette seems to read my emotions.

"Wait a minute" he starts off, pausing in his place.

Peter observes me with a wide smirk playing on his lips as he sees right through me, his next words shocking me.

"You're jealous"

I manage to crack a laugh at his words. "You think you can run that pretty mouth of yours whenever you want?"

I take Peter's freeze as an opportunity to jump and take ahold of the piece of paper that started the whole situation.

It was late when Peter noticed my actions, giving me access to run out of the room with the parchment in my hands.

I was already in the middle of the kitchen already when I felt a force preventing any forward actions.

"Stop! Stop!" I exclaim as I feel Peter's hands wrap around my waist, stopping me from any further steps.

His breaths were swirling with my hair as he tried to snatch the paper from my hands again.

I shriek as I try to fight off his arms around me without physically hurting him. "Please! Please let me read it!"

Peter's grip around me suddenly goes loose, and I feel myself able to walk again.

I turn around and meet Peter's flustered cheeks, his hands raised up in surrender.

"Go ahead, read it, if that's what you want" he states, taking a step backward. "But I'm warning you from now, that I'm not responsible for the consequences that come after"

A cheerful grin finds it's way to my face and I jump in victory, ignoring Peter's words.

I unfold the piece of parchment, and stare down at the written words, my stomach twisting at the sight.

Maybe I should've listened to Peter.

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