xxiii. trust my rage

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Aunt May's final words for me, got illegally carved into my thoughts, leaving me tensed up.

Maybe things are finally starting to find their long lost missing pieces.

I feel like I came back home, to my safe place, after a long, yet tiring one hell of a ride.

But then, there he was. The reason I came back to the following alternate universe. The person I came back for. The person I've been searching for.

Aunt May's words had my thoughts occupied with themselves, and my blood twirling.

I have never in my life felt safe, yet boiled. Like there is this fire deep down, hiding in the shadows of my thoughts, at the same time.

My mind, however, which is a whole different universe, was settling in, getting ready for war.

My head is at war, or at least my thoughts are.

I wanna hug him right now, but he's too far to sense my presence.

I lost someone too, Peter.

I wonder why, out of all the places he visits, he chose this specific place.

A graveyard.

Peter lost his uncle, Uncle Ben, two years ago, that's what I know of, and that's definitely all.

There's not supposed to be anything or anyone else that I've never heard of.

Peter has got this pure soul somewhere in him, and I trust it blindly.

And it has driven me insane.

But the real question is, does he trust me?

Rage has fully consumed my soul.

Could he ever trust my rage? My anger?

I'm such a mess, nevertheless.

I don't even know if he feels something towards me, literally any sense of emotions.

Fate will speak soon, just like it always does. I do not have so much longer to wait to hear the speech. Maybe even speeches, if necessary.

Maybe then I can be fully aware of my position, my correct space.

Maybe I'll realize that life isn't about happy endings. It's about the stories, the chapters, the characters, and most importantly..

The plots.

The plots, which shall never reveal their deepest secrets at no time soon, not even their own writer.

Peter was now walking away, his head dipped down, leaving me shattered with my thoughts for a moment.

Whatever name I see on that gravestone, shall be familiar to my knowledge.

I see Peter slowly fade into the setting, the pretty rays of the sun, making his exit.

I take a deep breath and squint my eyes shut, getting ready to follow Peter's tracks.

I successfully walk a few slight steps, passing by several gravestones, flowers displayed all over.

The smell of grief fills up my senses, my nose now fidgeting from the cold air.

My eyes dart from a gravestone to another, my lips pressed together, before reaching the gravestone Peter was standing next to.


I lower my eyebrows, my veins now throbbing at the back of my neck, as my eyes wide open in shock.

Out of all the names of people in the graveyards, I swallow hard as I re-read the name, letter by letter.

Gwen Stacy.

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