xx. home

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I open my eyes, frustrated.

It would've been a silent, if it wasn't for the cold wind whipping my hair backwards.

Everything that happend was a blur, like it all happend in a blink of an eye.

But, could it be?

It's fairly large, oddly familiar, and unusual looking. That's how Doctor Strange would describe it.

Most importantly, it's all covered with white, and bright carpets of snow, spread all over.

I directly swirl around as I hear a noise in the distance, and I smile as I take in my surroundings.

I'm here. And I'm back.

I'm in the headquarters of Doctor Strange. The Sanctum Sanctorum.

A chuckle escapes my lips, and I determine to run my way to the dungeon.

You made it. You finally made it. You're here, I think to myself as I pass the dark corridors, gliding throughout the corners, until I face the door.

The door that would bring it all back, everything.

I take a deep breath, and push the door open.

I see Peter, who had his phone next to his ear, clearly talking with someone, while Mj sits next to Ned, next to a laptop, in front of them, looking deeply invested.

Ned then pops his head from the computer, and turns to look at me. "Hey Irene" he greets, before Mj does so, after him.

Peter then waves at me, busy cleaning his suit, as he talks with someone on the phone.

I stand there, as anger slowly makes it way to my throat, and I shake my head, scoffing in disbelief.

"Hey Irene!" I mock them, my voice rising, which caught their attention.

"Seriously? You're telling me right now, that I wasted a month of my life, worrying over you, and trying to find my way back to you. And that's how you repay me, huh?" I snarl at them, holding my hands together, above my head.

"If you didn't think of me once, I understand, but could you be that heartless, to not even try acting like I've disappeared for a month?"

I was panting, my voice shaky. Peter directly notices, and he whispers something into his phone, before putting it away.

"But Irene - "

Peter starts, and I snap my fingers, cutting him off. "Don't" I grumble, clenching my jaw. "Was this how I reacted when I saw you come back after five years of going missing Pete?" I whisper to him, regret dripping in my own words.

Ned slowly stands up from his place, and I feel Peter walking towards my figure.

"Irene, you left a one, or maybe a few hours ago, to visit Aunt May" Ned speaks, his voice trembling over his own words.

"Are you mad, Leeds? Can't you even think of a proper lie, huh?" I ridicule in rejection. "I was stuck in an alternate universe for almost two months"

"W-what?" Peter asks, and I see him scratching the back of his neck. "Another universe?"

I shrug to myself, crossing my arms. "Another world, another people"

Ned's voice then echos throughout the dungeon. "D-did you meet another Ned Leeds?"

"No" I reply, shaking my head.

The air was now filled with uncomfortable silence, as we all eye each other, not certain what to speak, before Mj does the first step.

𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 | peter parker Where stories live. Discover now