xxxviii. grief

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The last person I ever expected to see, was there, right there, now sprinting over to me.

"Hi" Peter whispers, moving a little bit closer to me, as he pulls of his mask, revealing himself.

Peter Parker.

Seeing who it was, I slightly move closer to his tracks, meeting up with the same face features I got used to seeing everyday.

It really is him.

Peter then seems to notice my face, as he was about to stroke my face, "Irene, what happend to your -"

"No! No! Don't touch me! D-don't!" I shriek, flinching away from Peter's loving touch.

My whole body was trembling uncontrollably, my eyes were wild, and my breath felt so shaky.

Peter backs away, before looking me up and down, and slowly taking me by the hand."I'm not going to hurt you"

I don't flinch back from his touch this time, instead, I give my hand in, and raise my eye level to meet his.

"You're safe now. No one's going to hurt you. I'm here now. I promise you, nothing bad will get slightly close to you" he assures, now drawing circles around my hand.

I expected myself to pull my hand and back away, but I surprisingly did not. And instead, I relaxed a little, for the first time in a while.

Tears were forming in my eyes again, and I let out a shaky breath.

"It's okay" Peter restates, offering me a gentle smile, before pulling me into a hug I couldn't resist. "You're okay now. I'm here"

I find myself burying my head in the crook of Peter's neck, which felt, warm, and most importantly, safe.

I took another deep breath.

I flinch, and Peter noticed. "A-are you okay? What's wrong?" he questions curiously, as he pulls away and eyes me up and down suspiciously.

"I-it hurts" I manage to say, before I felt my stomach hurt more.

I try and take another deep breath, but it hurt my ribcage. I exhaled, and inhaled again.

"Hey, hey, hold on to me, okay?" he says, panicking, as he tightens his grip around me. "And don't close your eyes, okay? Keep them open, for me, please"

I could faintly hear Peter cussing under his breath, as he looks at me one time again, his tone now uncertain, even though he tries not to show it.

"I know it hurts, you just have to trust me, okay? I'll get you out of here, I promise"

"Not my bruises, Peter"

I could feel his eyes back on me now, and I feel myself on the cliff of breaking down again. But this time, to a person.

"It's all my fault" I sob into his chest, my ribcage hurting even more, making it hard to breath.

I haven't felt like this since I lost Natasha. This feeling were one feels numb, like I won't ever feel anything anymore, because I shall no longer care.

"May died, Peter. Aunt May died, a-and I was there" I bawl, my voice cracking between my own words, "It happend in front of me, and I was there"

I choke out a sob, hiding my face with my own hands. "I was laying on the floor, doing nothing, and she was on the verge of losing her last breath, Peter"

"I was there Peter, and I didn't do anything" Peter doesn't let go of the embrace, leaving me to do all the talking, "it is all my fault"

I stay in my place, hands covering my face as I lay there, silently sobbing, with Peter's arms around me.

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