xxxiv. tour around the universes

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Thumping sounds.

All I can hear is thumping sounds.

The ground underneath me is firm.

My body aches.

I know this feeling.

I slowly open my eyes, only to bump into a girl in a beanie, as she rushes downside the streets.

She had a magic-like box in her hand, and someone was sprinting along next to her to catch up.

Ned and Mj.

"I-irene?" Mj questions between pants, her palms now resting on her knees.

Ned, on the other hand, exclaims, before jogging over and embracing me. "Hi!"

Mj then pulls her breath together, and joins the hug, her tall arms now catching us all together.

"I can never get over how tall your arms are" I state, my voice muffled in the fabric of her cardigan.

I could hear Ned chuckle.

"Oh shut up, loser"

A few grins and laughs were exchanged, before we all pulled apart and Mj straightened her clothes, tightening her grip on the box in her hand.

"Are you okay?" Ned then questions, curiously, as he raises one eyebrow at me.

"Oh yes yes, I'm on a tour between the universes to save Peter's ass, remember? What could possibly be the matter"

Mj shrugs, with Ned following. "Nothing"

There was a moment of awkward silence, as we all eyed each other. Which was indeed, very unusual for our group.

I clear my throat. "Anyways, where's Peter?"

Ned quickly replies, waving his hand in disapproval. "He's - um - he's doing some stuff"

I look at Mj and she sends me a fake smile, her teeth showing accusingly.

"Oh dear God, what have I missed?"

A few seconds of quietness.

I am greeted with silence.

"Mj, Ned, what happend?"

Mj was about to reply, before Ned cut her off. "Well, your so called tour-between-the-universes-to-save-Peter's-ass might have been kind of not what Peter is doing right now"

Mj sends me a questing look, before nodding in agreement with Ned.

"Now now, what does that imply?"

Mj gives in. "Peter's plan is working fine. He's about to cure them all"


The girl grabs my hand before looking down at me, and runs with both of us.

"We need to get this box somewhere safe first!" she cries out while running through the wild air, making it hard for her voice to be clear.

"We'll explain everything on the way!"

note:: some of the recent chapters may be unexpectedly short, but there's a lot more on the way🤪 warning to put your emotional seat belts on *laughs evilly behind the screen*

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