xvii. beginning of an adventure

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The light of dawn seeped into my eyes, with the golden disk pouring over.

Maybe sungazing was not a bad idea after all.

I stare at the sky above me, observing the shades, colors, and the different patterns that the clouds create.

"It's really quiet up here" Peter mumbles, laying on the ground, and I slightly turn my head to his direction.

After Peter successfully dragged me throughout the entire college, we ended up on the rooftop, laying down on the cold tiles, watching the whole other world above our heads.

"I have a question" he then starts, breaking the silence between us.

"About yesterday"

My heart pauses for a second, thinking of all the possibilities of what Peter would want to say right now, hoping that it's not something that'll have to ruin the current vibe.

"Because - well, we didn't get the chance to talk properly last night"

Peter pauses for a second, seemingly to adjust his thoughts. "Do you, by any chance, know who might have.. you know"

I directly understood what he was talking about, and relief took over. I was expecting something worse.

"I do not, but" I reply, shaking my head, which was still pointed towards the sky.

"I don't like what's coming"

"Yeah, you shouldn't" I sneer at Peter. "Because, he looked familiar, but also not. If that makes sense"

"It doesn't, but go on"

"He had dark face features, hair and eyes, if I remember correct" I speak up, my mind travelling to the events of the previous night. "He looked like I've seen him before, but, I just have no memory of him"

Peter doesn't say anything, and the space between us is again, filled with questionable silence.

"You're really pretty" Peter then whispers, changing his position so that he's now facing me.

"Can I..?" the brunette starts, pointing to his his camera. "Can I take a photo of you?"

I take a full turn, and our eyes meet, for a moment, but I break it off, after I feel the blood quickly rush into my cheeks, hoping Peter doesn't notice.

But that isn't what matters? I mean, have never in my life blushed, at least not over a bughead.

Peter now has his camera in his hands, and he turns it around, getting closer to me. He slowly adjusts his positions, and I hear him snap some pictures.

"Okay okay, enough" I complain, as I try and cover the Peter's camera with my two hands.

"What?" he chuckles, his eyes squinting from the sun. "You look nice"

"That's not an excuse to snap pictures" I huff, rolling my eyes at the smiling boy.

"It's a video, actually" Peter grins from behind the camera and pushes it to the middle of my face.

I shriek away from him, a laugh escaping my lips. "Keep that thing out of my reach" I threaten, as I crawl away. "I'm warning you, Peter Parker"

He, however, did the opposite.

Peter gets onto his knees and sprints his way to me, as I unconsciously kick around the space, the sun rays blinding my vision.

"Move!" I cry out as I feel Peter holding me back, preventing me from trying to catch his camera.

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