vi. sidekick

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Spiderman was now swinging throughout the city of NewYork, with his sidekick, aka myself.

My heart pounding faster every second. Peter webs to the highest point in the Times Square and we set in motion.

"Out of all the powers you have" Peter starts mockingly. "Don't you have anything that can make you fly?"

"No Parker, I do not"

"Then your powers are useless"

"At least I'm not a wall-crawler"

I settle down and pat my suit from all the dust from the swinging.

One of the disadvantages of having a black suit is having to stroke it every second to keep it clean.

"Remember, stay alarmed and keep the airpods in when sensing any unstable actions" Peter reminds me and prepares himself, getting ready to take off.

"Where are you going?"

"Empire State" he informs "Which is, indeed, kind of my favorite place in the city. It has good views of Newyork" he grins.

"How can I forget? I mean, for as long as I remember, you almost tied me up with webs over there to question me"

"That was hella risky" he chuckles as he pulls his mask of his face, toying around with it.

"You seem to be deeply in love with the Empire State, anyways"

"I actually used to go there with Gwen" he then confesses, after some moments of silence.

I smile at him. "Gwen Gwen Gwen. You never seem to get enough of her" I grin at his daily references of her, that were indeed, very adorable most of the time.

"Yeah, um" the boy pauses.

"Yeah" he finishes and makes his way to the Empire State.

That was weird.

But then there he is, flying over like a free bird, floating effortlessly all around.

There is always something about the Peter Parkers. They are difficult to define, easy to recognize.

They are like pixie dreams, they have a million IQ, they're introverted, but they also want attention. They are a different mixture of feelings, and that's what makes them special.

Never mind. Here I go again, talking from my experience of meeting only two Peter Parkers, while some sorcerer supremes may have met even more.

Forget I ever said anything.

I lay down, putting my hands behind my head as a pillow, and stare at the bright sky above me.

An hour passed.
I'm bored.

I stand up wondering how I ended up in this situation.

Three hours passed.
I'm bored.

Life's beautiful so I decide to take a little nap on the highest point in NewYork.

I want to sleep but my brain won't stop talking to itself.

Of course I talk to myself. I need a therapist with some expert advice sometimes.

It's nighttime.
I'm still bored.

There was no sense of unusual actions and things were becoming like a boring ass routine, only when Peter decided to show up out of nowhere, filling the space with awkward silence.

"Hello to you too Parker"


"I believe the proper response is hello"

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