xxvii. flawless

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I am trapped in Peter's arms, cold fear beginning to creep up my fingers, and down to my toes.

"See that wall over there?" Peter whispers into my ear, and I slightly tilt my head to the way he was looking at.

"When I let you go, you run" he hisses, and I search for the ability to form my words. "And don't look back"

It was all steady for a moment.

Can whatever is going on right now just leave me and Peter alone already?


Without thinking twice, I reach out and grab Peter by his arm, pulling him next to me.

He ends up getting slammed across an unclear wall, my back facing him.

The sound of distant footsteps was then heard by me, growing closer to my inner senses.

Peter now had one of his arms around me, holding me in with a sense of possessiveness.

The steps were getting clearer for me to hear, a single shiver running down my spine, with every creak.

The footsteps then suddenly pause, declaring their final step for the moment.

"Area's clear" a deep, shallow voice speak from behind our unnoticed shadows.

I fiercely close my eyes, terror taking over my face, as I feel Peter slightly shaking behind me.

"Mission complete" the voice then says, and my hand quietly reaches back for Peter's.

I hold it tight, giving it a light squeeze, only to feel him bury his face into the crook of my bare neck.

His hand squeezes mine in return, his slow breaths swaying into the messy strands of my hair.

Suddenly, the doing of a car screeching was heard, along with some inaudible voices in the background.

"Curiosity killed the cat" the now familiar voice speaks one more time, before hearing the slam of a car door.

I didn't realize how much my heart was pounding hardly into my chest, until I hear sound of the tires on the ground of the streets, before quickly dissolving.

I let out a deep exhale I never knew was in there in the first place, and slightly twirl in my place.

Peter was panting really heavily, that it scared me, along with the look of horror in his eyes.

"Are - are you okay?" I query uncertainly, as I look him up and down, for any possible odd signs of injuries.

"Don't you ever dare to do what you just did again" he hisses, anger dripping from his words.

I stand still in my place with a sense of confusion, my jaw clenched. "Do what?"

"You could've died, Irene" Peter lets out a scoff, placing his free palms on his forehead. "Are we not gonna talk about that, huh?"

"Well, I didn't, Peter" I assure him, shrugging my head at his direction.

"Yeah, you were pretty damn close" he snaps, his tone getting colder by every word.

I narrow my eyes at him, my head not processing his words together.

"Your idea was for me to leave you to face a group of unknown burglars alone, while I sit alone, watching you fight?"

My hands surrender above my head, as I stay there in dissatisfaction. "Yeah no Peter, I'll pass out that offer"

I see Peter huffing, impatiently moving around in his position. "We should have never been here in the first place"

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