xlvi. till magic do us apart

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peter parker::

I look over at the eldest Peter who was eyeing them carefully, before taking a sudden action.

The eldest Peter jumps in front of the youngest, as he had the goblin's glider raised up in his hands, showing how much he was ready to stab him until he hears his heart stop.

The eldest Peter holds the glider back, giving Peter an unexplainable look, his lips slowly turning into a relieving smile, which quickly dissolved.

The goblin was back up, as he stabbed the eldest Peter in the back, causing him to helplessly crumble to the ground.


I then tilt my head back up at the top of the statue, looking at where Irene would've possibly gone to.

She was where I expected her to be, on the top of the statute with the wizard.

The wizard was shooting some magical yellow ropes into the sky, slowly pulling the purple cracks back together.

I look over back at the Peters again. The eldest Peter was still laying on the ground, while the youngest was about to lose his control again.

Uh-oh. I definitely won't let that happen.

I sprint towards where the eldest Peter was standing before he joined the battlefield, eyeing the area around us.

I find the cure on the ground.

Without thinking twice, I grab it, right before throwing it directly to the youngest Peter's arm, as he catches it with a blink of an eye, stabbing the goblin in the neck.

The goblin's eyes widen, as he sinks down to the ground, still looking up at the youngest between us.

"P-peter?" I could hear the goblin say as I rush downwards towards them, kneeling down next to the eldest Peter.

"W-what did I do?" Norman lightly questions, as I look down at the now innocent man, who had a look of hurt in his eyes.

Norman looks over at the eldest Peter on the ground, reminding me of the main reason I rushed here.

I quickly eye Peter, before crouching down to the ground. "Hey, you okay?"

He sends me a forced grin. "Uh - yeah, I've been stabbed before" he replies casually, shrugging it away.

"Oh good. Good" I reply, having no idea what my possible answer should be.

He's been stabbed before that he's used to it. Woah, honestly.

"Hey, nice catch" I then state, as I notice the youngest Peter now back with us.

"Nice throw" he acknowledges as he nods his head, sending me a light smile.

Another blast was heard from the sky, as the purple cracks above us were breaking away again, making it clear to see figures of people, who were seemingly walking in our direction.

"Is that happening?" the eldest Peter questions, looking over at us, "or am I dying?"

I look over back at the sky. The figures really are people, aren't they? Or at least, they looked so.

They seemed to look like they were trying to walk in, as if it is a gate to this reality.

The youngest Peter looks up, and down back at us, before scurrying around. "I gotta go!"

I eye the youngest Peter suspiciously, before he jumps up to where the wizard and Irene were standing.

I couldn't get a clear view of Irene from my position, though. Which was kinda sad for me.

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