iii. break in

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"What are you doing?"

"Following you because I have nowhere to stay" I admit, keeping my jumping height low as I land softly.

It was still dark and raining after the incident with Peter in the middle of the night. And after a hundred chats and talks, we managed to make some deals.

"You're kidding, right?"

"I wish I was"

"There's no way you're going into my house" the boy taunts, rolling his eyes.

"Technically, it's not your house" I reply, with an appreciative smile spread of my face.

"Good luck passing Aunt May then"

"You're Spiderman, anyways"

"No shit Sherlock, am I?" He sneers, looking at me in shock. "Oh guess what? I am. And Spiderman never lets a person who just attacked him into his house"

"You could get me in from your balcony" I say, ignoring his comment.

"I don't have a balcony" Peter then admits, shrugging his shoulders.

"From the window"

"I don't have a window"

I jog my way next to him. "You're pretty good at lying Parker, I'm impressed"

"It's one of the things I'm incredibly good at" he remarks with a grin. "I didn't catch your name, by the way"

"I didn't throw it" I snort.

Peter suddenly turns, facing me. "You're quite feisty, aren't you?" he taunts, turning to face me with a mischievous grin.

"I'm supposed to be a visitor for a few days, Peter Parker, before I find a way back to my true universe"

"What if this is your real universe?" he questions, slowing down his walks with a purposeful tone.

"That's easy for you to say" I tell the brunette, focusing on my steps. "Your determination outlasts a good number of other factors that threaten your resolve"

"It occurs prior to your goal attainment when life is not smooth, actually" Peter comments, his hands now in his pockets.

"Oh trust me Peter Parker, I do know how life feels when it isn't smooth" I reveal, furrowing my eyebrows. "That's why I gave up on determination"

"Maybe I can get you to change your mind" Peter finishes, a small smile escaping his lips, causing me to scoff under my breath.

"You won't change your mind about staying somewhere else?" Peter then questions, and I shake my head.

"Well, hold on tight" he remarks out of nowhere before I had the chance to complain and suddenly grabs my waist. "I'm sorry!" he apologizes and flies off to his bedroom window.

"Ouch" I groan as I land roughly on the floor, after being easily thrown through the window. "Couldn't you have dropped me a little bit more sweetly?" I fake smile as I hear more muffled voices in the background.

I stand up with exasperated sigh, as I admire the room around me. There was a simple beauty in Peter's room that reflected his spirit and vibes.

It was incredibly messy, and like there was a bomb that has been thrown into his bedroom, with clothes strewn all over the floor, along with papers and books.

The photos of Peter and a pretty blonde girl hanged on almost every inch of the room caught my eyes. He looked so happy in most photos, so did she.

With Peter suddenly walking into his room, he locks the door and leans his back against it. "I thought you'd be asleep already" he mumbles. "You've gotta keep a low profile, by the way"

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