xxxv. blurry visions

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I am running.


But this time, I'm actually scared.

What have you done, Peter?

I have a bad feeling about the whole thing Peter is about to start, or most likely what he has already started.

It was all kind of okay, until I met up with the Daily Bugle's truck outside the building.

Never have I ever hated something more than them.

And the worst part is that I've seen them in every universe I have ever been too. Always the same people. Always the same trash.

There was a man sitting in the truck with his phone in his hands, and kept looking up and down from his window.

Ignoring him, I burst through the door of the apartment, and make all my way up to Happy's home.

"Peter!" I exclaim, kicking the door open.


All eyes are on me? All eyes are on me.

They're here.

They're all actually here.

Electro, the Sandman, and the Mister Octopus.

Maybe what Mj and Ned said really was true, and Peter is actually trying to help them.

They don't deserve you, Pete.


It was Aunt May.

She was rubbing her eyes at my sight, before Peter comes in rushing from the backroom. "I'm sorry? Did you just say Irene?"

I chuckle at their surprise, before I suddenly felt Peter's arms wrapped around me.

"I missed you" he says in a muffled voice, as he hides in the crook of my neck. "Even though it's been a few hours as well, I still missed you"

I smile to myself before I feel Peter pulling away, a huge grin spread across his face.

"I missed you too, Pete"

Peter turns me around to the three beings sitting around the living room.

"Meet the buddies" Peter chuckles, introducing to the once-called-villains.

They seemed to look so quiet, everyone minding their own business.

The Mister Octopus was drinking water, Electro was playing with Peter's lego, and the Sandman was looking out from the window.

"Come here! Let me show you what I'm working on at the moment" he suddenly exclaims, pulling me along with him to the backroom.


There was a man standing next to Tony's fabricator, working up some stuff on there.

"Green Goblin?" I query, panic rising up my senses, as I look back at Peter.

The man working looks up at me, giving me a creeped look because of the mention.

"Uh, no - actually - um you know, it's complicated, because he's not like actually -"

"Okay, okay, don't worry about it"

Peter nods and sends me a smile, before turning to look at the man in the corner again.

"Uh, Mr. Osborn, this is Irene" Peter speaks firmly, looking proud. "And Irene, this is - uh, Mr. Osborn"

Osborn, Osborn, Osborn.

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